Revolutionary War Vocabulary & Notes Mr. Ochoa U.S. History
What do you know about the American revolution? What does your country mean to you?What do you know about the American revolution? What does your country mean to you? Journal
EQ: What are the causes, events, and sequence of events of the American Revolution and where in the order of historical eras does the American Revolution lie? Essential Question?
Things that make you go hmm How did a group of rag tag colonists defeat the world’s largest and most powerful empire???How did a group of rag tag colonists defeat the world’s largest and most powerful empire??? Was the colonist victory a miracle???Was the colonist victory a miracle??? Let’s explore the strengths and weaknesses of both sides…Let’s explore the strengths and weaknesses of both sides…
Colonist Strengths Their cause was just and grand! (Fighting for their rights, independence, freedom & liberty)Their cause was just and grand! (Fighting for their rights, independence, freedom & liberty) Knew the land really well. (Defending their homes and land)Knew the land really well. (Defending their homes and land) Had ally support from the French & Spanish.Had ally support from the French & Spanish. Great Leadership.Great Leadership. Great support from public. (Patriotism & Spirit)Great support from public. (Patriotism & Spirit)
Britain’s Weaknesses Fought the war far from home. (War supplies sometimes took months to reach their destination)Fought the war far from home. (War supplies sometimes took months to reach their destination) Very difficult objective. (Talk colonists into giving up their freedom and independence)Very difficult objective. (Talk colonists into giving up their freedom and independence) Did not know the land very well.Did not know the land very well. Weak leadership.Weak leadership. Lacked public support.Lacked public support.
Britain’s Strenghths Best military in the world. (In particular their navy was exceptional)Best military in the world. (In particular their navy was exceptional) Soldiers were well trained, equipped, disciplined, paid and fed.Soldiers were well trained, equipped, disciplined, paid and fed. Wealthiest country in the world. (could afford to pay mercenaries)Wealthiest country in the world. (could afford to pay mercenaries) Many colonists were loyal to king George.Many colonists were loyal to king George.
Colonists Weaknesses Leaders were inexperienced.Leaders were inexperienced. Did not have a lot of money to pay for the war.Did not have a lot of money to pay for the war. Many colonists were loyal to the king.Many colonists were loyal to the king. Fewer soldiers.Fewer soldiers. Untrained armies who lacked supplies, food and pay.Untrained armies who lacked supplies, food and pay.
Half the class will draw a cartoon of the Colonists making fun of the British!Half the class will draw a cartoon of the Colonists making fun of the British! The other Half will draw a cartoon making fun of the Colonists!The other Half will draw a cartoon making fun of the Colonists! Use your notes!Use your notes! Pretend you are living during the American revolution and you are asked to draw a political Propaganda piece for a Local Newspaper that supports the British and one that supports the Colonist.Pretend you are living during the American revolution and you are asked to draw a political Propaganda piece for a Local Newspaper that supports the British and one that supports the Colonist. Political Cartoon! You Create?
Political Cartoon! You Create!
Vocabulary to know… 1. Olive Branch Petition1. Olive Branch Petition 2. Continental Army2. Continental Army 3. Patriot3. Patriot 4. Loyalist4. Loyalist 5. Battle of Bunker Hill5. Battle of Bunker Hill 6. Mercenary6. Mercenary 7. Common Sense7. Common Sense 8. Declaration of Independence8. Declaration of Independence
Vocabulary to know… 9.Natural Rights 10. Ally 11. Treaty of Paris 12. Ratify
Take out a piece of paper and number 1 to 12 (Vocabulary Clues) 1.To approve the Treaty of Paris 2.Two groups working together to achieve a common goal 3.Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine urging the colonies to declare independence 4.Colonists declare their loyalty to the king and ask him to repeal the Intolerable Acts 5.First army organized by the colonies who were led by George Washington
Vocabulary Clues Continued… 6.Rights that belong to all people from birth 7.Document written by Thomas Jefferson saying that the colonies were free and independent states 8.Colonists who favored war against Britain 9.First major battle of the Revolutionary War 10.Foreign troops hired to help fight the war 11. American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and the king 12.Britain recognizes the United States as an independent nation
Olive Branch Significance…
Signers of the Declaration of Independence…
The world would be so much better off if we all just used a bit of common sense!
What do you think Thomas Paine was trying to get the colonists to understand with his pamphlet?
Notes: Graphic Organizer Style