All About Me By Mr. Chabut
How I Got Here I grew up in Kettering, Ohio. Kettering is just south of Dayton. Maybe some of you have been to Dayton to see the United States Air Force Museum or the home of the Wright brothers. I went to Ball State University where I studied to be a teacher. This is a picture of my graduation from BSU in 2009.
Things I Like To Do In my free time I like to do many things. I played ice hockey and volleyball growing up and I try to play those or other sports as often as I can. I also enjoy SCUBA diving as you saw on the first page. I also enjoy photography, hiking, rock climbing and being outside. The pictures on this page are photos I have taken while traveling. Hopefully you like them!
Travel I love to travel, and I’ve been very lucky to see some amazing places like Australia, Africa, the Grand Canyon, and others! Here are some of my favorite pictures from my trips.
My Family My family means everything to me. I am the oldest child of three. My younger brother just graduated from the University of Dayton, and my younger sister is starting at UD this fall! This picture is from a trip to North Carolina we take every year.
Why Math? I like math for a lot of reasons. First, math is all around us. It helps us explain just about everything. From how a basketball falls into the hoop to the shoes that player wore, math was involved. Second, My love of math teaching comes from someone most of you know… Mr. Sturgeon! I student taught under him and learned a great deal about teaching math and how much fun it can be. Can you see the math in the picture?
Goals For The Year I want to ensure that each and every student is successful this year. Please understand that your students best interests are in mind and I am always willing to discuss issues or concerns. Create lessons that are engaging and standards driven so every student grows academically. I want the students to enjoy learning and look forward to their next lesson. Communication is an essential part of this process and needs to be two-way. I will do my part to stay in touch with you. Please know that a line of communication to me is always open for concerns and issues.
So How Will This Year Work? 1. The learning coach will complete lessons at home with the student. 2. I will be getting in contact with the learning coach/parent once a month with you via telephone for a parent conference to discuss progress. 3. I will check in with your student once a month via Elluminate to do what is called a skills check. 4. Each student will attend at least 4 Elluminate class sessions a month – However I would encourage your child to attend more.
Learning Coach Requirements 1. Please get in contact me if anything comes up (computer issues, work completion issues, status changes, questions). 2. Complete and mark lessons each week. 3. Complete and mark attendance each week. 4. Make sure students attend a minimum of 4 Elluminate sessions a month.
Learning Coach Requirements Continued 5. Attend monthly parent/student conferences 6. Complete the Scantron testing when assigned – it is very important that your child do these tests with no assistance. 7. Attend ISTEP testing!!! 8. Mail or scan work samples on a quarterly basis.
Don’t Get Frustrated… Relax. Take a deep breath. This is a BIG adjustment for not only you as the parent, but the student and for me as well. It takes a while to get in the swing of things – so please don’t get to the point of frustration – contact me and we can talk through things. Customer care can be reached by phone: K12CARE. If you’re not sure whether to call them, just ask me and I’ll point you in the right direction. Contact another parent to help you through it. I can assist you with this as well.