Owner Biography Sara Reesman I was born in Montreal, Canada on August 25 th I Moved to the United States when I was 6. I love baseball. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE OTHER TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE!!
Corianne VanTine I was born in the Bahamas on August 3 rd I love Baseball. I love to swim. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE OTHER TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE!!
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Map Of Los Angeles California
Research Of Our City Los Angeles California Our baseball team is located in Los Angeles California. After going to some local museum's to learn about the history of our city, this is what we found. Please Continue To The Next Slide →
History Of Los Angeles California Back in 1846 there was a war between the Mexican's (which at the time were living in California) and the American’s because the Mexican’s didn’t defend its northern territories which made the American's very angry. Los Angeles hosted the 1932 Summer Olympics. During war world 2 Los Angeles grew as a center for aircraft. Today Los Angles is home to many celebrities.