Lundi 3 juin Quiz sur le petit prince chapitre Prenez vos chapitre 23,24,25,26 et 27 -mettez vos sac a dos contre le mur -mettez vos portable sur mon bureau Redaction sur le petit prince -when you are done with the quiz, take back your belonging. -start your essay on “le petit Prince traveling to your planet in the future: write about your planet and what will happen there”. The requirement for the essay is 300 words. Uses all your notes and a dictionary to complete it. The structure will be introduction, development (could include dialogue) and conclusion. -Your essay will be collected Wednesday. It won’t be graded but corrected.
schedule Monday 3: -quiz on LPP essay Tuesday 4:- essay Wednesday 5: -Finish essay, will be collected -Practice for marking period oral Thursday 6: -essay will be ended back to you. - computer lab: practice for your oral (marking period oral: read one chapter of your choice, 1minute. Final oral: 3 minutes prep, talk for 1 minutes about the petit prince traveling in the future to your planet) Friday 7: computer lab: practice for oral, record your chapter reading of 1 minute, save it in your students folder under “LPP lecture”
Monday 10: -Final exam oral -study guide Tuesday 11: -Final exam oral -study guide Wednesday 12: -Final exam essay Thursday 13: -Final exam essay Friday: -finish up study guide NB: You will end in the study guide completed the day of your final, this will be graded as HW, failure to do so will be a 0.