The average American believes in God, but… Has no respect for the word of God This includes most religious people What standard do most appeal to? –Feelings.


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Presentation transcript:

The average American believes in God, but… Has no respect for the word of God This includes most religious people What standard do most appeal to? –Feelings Do feelings determine God’s will? Should feelings should guide us? –Ac.17:…27…30 –Ep.4:19, our analgesic –Sight

I The Way Of Man Is Not In Himself There is a difference in: –Opinion –Faith –Sight Jesus –Opinion: Mt.16:13-14; 16:22 –Faith: Mt.16:17 –Sight: Mt.16:25

God’s scheme of redemption: What must I do? Mystery. Guesswork is not faith –Lk.8:16-17 –Col.1:26 Faith (told what to do). Ga.3:23 Sight (Ro.8:24-25) –Walking by sight: “I saw an angel” “God talked to me” “I’ll take my experience…”

II The Way Is In The Word Mt.7:13-14, two choices Ac.18:25-26 instruction –Requires instruction one deviation –God does not permit even one deviation 1 K.18:21 –Opinions divide; everybody has one Je.10:23 –Mt.7:21-23

We must walk by faith Ro.1:17 –…from faith to faith –The righteousness of God is in the gospel message, revealed (to be) from (or ‘by’) faith... to (or ‘for’) faith’ (in order to be received by faith)

Abraham, our example, Ro.4:11 Opinion? (Gn.12; Gn.16) –MDR: “What could He want more than my happiness?” Hb.11:25 Faith? Hb.11:8 Sight? Hb.11:13, 39

Faith and Sight, 2 Co.5:7 By sight: –What we think. Je.18:12; 23:17 –What we like. Ro.8:4; Jd.18 –What others think. Mk.7:5 By faith: Ro.8:4-5, 12-13; –2 Jn.6

III The Word Is Revealed In Christ Hb.1:1-2 –Contrasts: these last daystime past – these last days usfathers – us Sonprophets – Son –Main sentence: God has spoken During childhood age of revelation, God had to speak as to children His older revelation was perfect at the kindergarten level, but, of necessity, incomplete Ga.4:4

How can we know God? All we can know of God and His truth is found in His word (Jn.8:31- 32; 17:17) “But the Bible is old” –So is Chinese, but this gives us no right to make up my own words –Gn.1:1

IV The Word, Spoken And Written Spoken: Ac.2 –Peter’s audience could not turn in their NT as he preached Written: 1 Co.14:37; 2 Th.2:15; Hb.13:22 –If God’s will were not written: We would need prophets We would need signs

V God’s Revelation Is Complete 2 Tim.3: Pt.1:3 –What power can compare to God’s ability to change men? –Ps.84:11, what man could make such a promise? Sun…shield Grace…no good thing will He withhold Jn.10:10 –Life... abundance