The Systems By Shalonda L. Ragland
What are they? They are planets that are made up of gases. Did you know that any water on Mars must be frozen?
Mars In 1976, Mars was photographed by Viking1 from 348,000 feet of film.
How can they help? Planets can help us by with their gravity. The gravity helps us when we walk.
Planet Sizes Planets can be big or small.Some are round. Some can have rings around them like Saturn.
How Many? Some planets have more than one moon. They can have big moons or small moons.
Star Shapes Some stars can make cool shapes. For example, the stars make up the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper.
What is Neptune Neptune is made up of gases. It has a molten middle made up of hydrogen, helium, ammonia, water, and a small amount of methane.
Gravity The solar systems gravity holds the planets in their orbits.
Neptunes Size Did you know that Neptune is the 3 rd biggest planet?
We need our system. Did you know that without gravity we would not be able to walk? Gravity keeps us from floating.