Walking In The Flesh Everything Is Broken
The 4 Freedoms – Jan. 6, 1941
We Need A 5 th Freedom: Freedom from the tyranny of our sinful nature!
What Does It Mean “To Walk?” Lifestyle Daily pattern
Theology Of Walking
General Commands 1 Thessalonians 2:2 – walk worthy of the Lord Colossians 1:10 – walk worthy Ephesians 4:1 – walk worthy
Let Your Practice Match Your Position
Specific Commands Of Our Walk: Ephesians 4:2 – walk in humility Romans 13:13 – walk pure 1 Corinthians 7:17 – walk content
Specific Commands Of Our Walk: 2 Corinthians 5:7 – walk by faith, not by sight Ephesians 2:10 – walk in good works
Specific Commands Of Our Walk: Ephesians 4:17 – walk differently 2 Thessalonians 3:6 – walk separated
Specific Commands Of Our Walk: Ephesians 5:2 – walk in love Ephesians 5:15 – walk in wisdom 3 John vss. 3-4 – walk in truth
Our Physical Pattern: Philippians 3:16-17 – walk as Paul walked Wow, is that easy or what….
Our Physical Pattern: 1 John 3:6 – walk as Christ walked Okay – how is anyone to do that!
A Word Of Encouragement 2 Corinthians 6:16 – Of course we can’t walk like Jesus walked It is not us in Him It is Him in us – fantastic!
Galatians 5:17-18 We Are At War!
At War! Our lower nature sets itself against the Spirit It’s a constant battle
What The Flesh Produces: Not just sensual – the flesh encompasses all of our sinful nature – original sin Check out Paul’s list Galatians 5:19-21
It’s Not Our Environment Mark 7:20-23 – it’s what proceeds out us that defiles us Better job, more money, better home, better neighborhood, better spouse will not improve a man
It’s Not Our Environment Man is corrupt and will contaminate all he encounters Paul give us 2 other lists – Romans 1:29-31 and 2 Corinthians 12:20- 21
Philosophers Throughout History Have described Man’s depravity As “Unnatural”
Not Jesus Or Paul… Corruption is man’s natural state We waste time investing so much in a political party or leader What we need are changed hearts That would be revolutionary!
Not Jesus Or Paul… Our hope rests in a crucified and risen Savior… Whose Spirit cleanses us and turns us away from our corruption
Let’s Look At Paul’s List It has 4 types of corruption Sex Religion Relationships with others Relationships with the world
Sex Immorality Greek > Porneia (por-ni-ah) Anything to do with illicit sexual activity
Sex Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, prostitution, incest 1 Corinthians 5:1 1 Corinthians 6:13
Sex Impurity – Greek > Akatharisa (ak- ath-ar-see-ah) We get the word catharsis from this – catharsis means cleansing
Moral And Ceremonial Uncleanness Too Soiled To Approach God
Sex Sensuality – Greek > Aselgeri (as- elg-i-a) Originally meant lack of restraint Later on came to mean sexual excess
Boasting In Their Excess
Religion Idolatry – self explanatory Worship of creation rather than the Creator
Religion Sorcery – Greek > Pharmakia (far- mak-i-a) we derive the word pharmacy from this This word described witchcraft
The Hippie Handbook
Prescription Madness
Religion An altered state opens the mind to all kinds foolishness The proliferation of eastern mysticism and occultism was rooted in drug abuse
Sex defiles a man in relation to himself Religion defiles a man in relation to God The flesh defiles a man in relation to everybody else
Relationships Enmities (or hatred) The opposite of love Wrong attitudes and biases create arguments
Relationships Strife (or discord) Fighting and quarreling Hatred is the attitude – Strife is the action
Relationships Jealousy – covetousness, wanting what others have Outbursts of anger – often the result of jealousy
Relationships Disputes – Greek > Eritheia (er-ith- i-ah) Self seeking that leads to strife
Relationships Factions – grouping together to push someone out An outgrowth of all of the above
Relationships Envying – Greek > Phthonos (fthon-os) Selfish desire related to jealousy and coveting
Relationships Some translations list Murder This is the natural result of the seven above if unchecked
Relationships With The World Drunkenness and carousing A need to escape from the realities of life Uncontrolled behavior Utter self centeredness
Uncontrolled Behavior
This Is The List “And things like these” (vs. 21) indicates that this list is not exhaustive But it give us an overview of what we’re capable of “walking in the flesh”
The Fruit Of Our Works…
Filthy Rags
The Kingdom (vs. 21b) “Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Many ask, “Does this mean you can lose your salvation?”
The Kingdom That is a good question It deserves to be answered Those who practice… Greek word > Proso
The Kingdom The Greek word indicates – habitual practice Something that would indicate that it’s a part of your character
The Kingdom If anything on Paul’s list is a part your character… Examine yourself
The Kingdom From God’s Word, we know that judgment is based on our habitual practice… Not on occasional incidents
The Kingdom If we are not saved – we are condemned if we violate even one point of the Law
The Kingdom A believer whose flesh wins the battle with the Spirit and behaves foolishly – has not lost their Salvation
The Kingdom And it would be obvious… evidence of their life would show that sexual immorality, or false religion, or envy, strife, anger and murder are not the pattern of their life
We’re People of His Kingdom… Let’s live like it!!!