Faith That Looks Ahead Hebrews 11
Introduction Heb 11:22 Of all the events in Joseph’s life, why did the inspired Hebrews writer choose this? Recorded as a snippet in Gen 50:24-25 Hebrews 11 focuses on a specific aspect of faith: Faith that looks ahead: Faith that is confident and full of hope because of the promises of God
Based on God’s Knowledge, Not Man’s Perfect Knowledge of God: Isa 42:8-9 with 46:9-10 Matt. 24:25; Mark 14:13ff; John 13:1-2, 13:19, 14:29, 16:32, etc. Man’s Limited Knowledge of the Future: Jam 4:13-16 This is why we “walk by faith and not by sight” (II Cor 5:7)! Cf. Rom 6:4 “raised to walk”
Examples of Faith that Looks Ahead Virtually all of Hebrews 11 Joseph (vs. 22) Abraham and Sarah Heb 11:8, 11-12, The Christians who received this letter desperately needed this message: See Heb 10:35-39 “We are not of those who draw back!”
The Christian’s Faith That Looks Ahead God will forgive us and strengthen us as we turn toward Him Acts 2:38, I John 1:5-2:1, Phil 3:12-15a God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength I Cor 10:13 with Heb 4:15
The Christian’s Faith That Looks Ahead God will ensure that all things work together for our ultimate good Rom 8:28-30 with Heb 11:13-16 God will reward all our sacrifices when we reach eternity I Cor 15:58 with Heb 11:10,13-16 and Rom 8:22-25
What do you see in your future through the eyes of faith? Do you believe the promises of God and put trust in Him and His commands above your own strength and wisdom? Are your decisions and priorities leading you closer to God or away from Him? Are your choices helping you love God and save souls, or are they steering you away from His work?