Citizens for Better Healthcare Services Loris Community Hospital & Seacoast Medical Center
Why McLeod? Strengthening a 15-year mutual relationship McLeod is a national leader 2010 American Hospital Association McKesson Quest for Quality Award recipient – First hospital in South Carolina to receive this distinction for excellence in patient care Staff development with award-winning quality programs initiatives Continues a patient-focused, community-minded hospital and culture dedicated to health and wellness
15 YEARS IN THE MAKING…. Loris and Seacoast with McLeod Loris and Seacoast have already benefitted from a strong relationship with McLeod over the past 15 years. Equipment and leading-edge technology Training of physicians through quality initiatives Improvement of care through the sharing of education from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant Improvement in trauma care services
Why Vote Yes? Better healthcare services More choices in healthcare for patients – expanding to serve better Expansion in cardiology, orthopedic, oncology, and general surgery services Exceptional physicians and specialists, leading-edge medical technology, and more patient services Work with recipient of American Hospital Association McKesson Quest for Quality Award Staff development with award-winning quality programs and initiatives Strengthen 15-year mutual relationship Greater financial stability for Loris Community Hospital and Seacoast Medical Center Loris and Seacoast retain their local governing board and local foundation
Vote Yes for Better Healthcare Services Opportunity to vote for Better Healthcare Services November 1 Referendum Loris Community Hospital, Seacoast Medical Center, and Loris Extended Care partnership with McLeod Regional Medical Center
Committee Co-Chairs John Boyd Ed Prince Maurice Jones Steering Committee (In formation) Freddie Bostick Ronald Floyd John Griggs, Jr. Marilyn Hatley Rima Hulen Nancy Littles Ron McManus Nathel Moody Charles Randall Tom Staats, Jr. David Stoudenmire, Jr. Harold Suggs Michael Suggs Harry Thomas Jimmy Dale Willoughby Contact Us: Citizens for Better Healthcare Services PO Box 1031 Loris, SC Visit: Facebook: yesforhealthcareservices