“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes”
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God has a plan and purpose for us We’re not here by accident Our previous life was not by chance He redeems the past – sets us free from guilt and shame He loves us with an everlasting love – nothing can separate us from His love Our lives are in Jesus’ hands and His Holy Spirit lives within us We have an eternal future with Him Every spiritual blessing is ours
Isaiah 54:2 (NIVUK) Enlarge the place of your tent Stretch your tent curtains wide Do not hold back Lengthen your cords Strengthen your stakes
multiply increase stretch grow expand unfold lengthen enlarge strengthen cultivate develop don’t hold back liberate reinforce nurture support inspire elongate spread release extend toughen unrestrained
Some questions Are we willing to be enlarged? What deliberate and intentional steps are we prepared to take? What limitations are we placing on ourselves? How are we going to lengthen our cords – reach | influence | impact? How have we gone deeper in our faith?
Hearing | Listening | Growing Hearing is passive Listening is active Discipleship is active Believers believe Followers follow Disciples believe, follow, become like
Senses Sight | Hearing | Smell | Taste | Touch Taste buds can distinguish 6 flavours Temperature | Pressure | Pain Motion Balance Proprioception Danger Meaning | Understanding Hunger and thirst
Enlarge Creativity big picture thinking imagining the possibilities not limiting God Breakout & Breakthrough mentality not being afraid to take a risk or to launch out confronting and overcoming our fears Accountability weighing up the costs being responsible for the outcomes
A sense of Faith F ocuses not on what has been but on what could A ctivates our desire to see what the potential could be I nvests in the future rather than the present T rusts that one who is greater than us is leading us H andles difficulties along the way confidently Faith means living in the present in the conscious knowledge that we don’t have all the answers
Dave Brailsford – Team GB “The aggregation of marginal gains” Know what you want to achieveKnow what you want to achieve Understand where you are nowUnderstand where you are now Map out the differenceMap out the difference Put a plan into placePut a plan into place Get the right people around youGet the right people around you Start and revise as you goStart and revise as you go
Put God first in our lives – deepen our relationship with HimPut God first in our lives – deepen our relationship with Him Love and serve each other deeply – strengthen and protect unityLove and serve each other deeply – strengthen and protect unity Share our faith in Jesus whenever and wherever we canShare our faith in Jesus whenever and wherever we can Develop the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and live in His power demonstrating His giftsDevelop the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and live in His power demonstrating His gifts Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly – integrityAct justly, love mercy, walk humbly – integrity Give generously and sacrificiallyGive generously and sacrificially Pray more regularly – “without ceasing”Pray more regularly – “without ceasing” Be obedient to God’s wordBe obedient to God’s word Enlarge