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Site Profile
Yahoo is one of the most famous portal in Hong Kong. Its Comprehensive channels include News, Finance, Entertainment, Sports, Style, Auctions, Blog, Movie, Travel, Games e.t.c. Yahoo HK
Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 375 millions Monthly Unique Users: 6.4 millions Gender Female 49% Male 51% Age <13 10% % % % % >54 4% Level of Engagement Avg. time spent per user per month: 127 minutes Monthly Hong Kong sites market share - Portal Frontpage
AAstocks AASTOCKS is one of the top-tier providers in the space of online Hong Kong market data analytics with over 65% of the retail market share, boasting over 350 institutional clients in the Greater China region, reaching around 1 million unique visitors per month* and generates over 83 millions monthly page views*. The company website, embeds with lavish and unique contents, which include A+H, quotes, quote charts, local news and fundamental information, HSI, HSCEI, Warrants, World Index, Active Top 20, 52 weeks high & low, and so forth. The aggregate page impressions is accumulating to over 3.5 millions daily.
Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 200 millions+ Monthly Unique Users: 1.6 Million + Registered members: 235,000+ Gender Annual Household Income AAstocks
Discuss HK Discuss HK is the no.1 online Forum in Hong Kong, reaching out to over 400,000 unique users per day consisting of Hong Kong users and Chinese living overseas. Being one of the highest- ranking and highest- reaching Chinese forum with more than 1 million registered members.
Discuss HK Age Gender Education level Monthly Income Homepage monthly pageviews: 28 millions
Uwants Uwants is one of the top online forum in Hong Kong, reaching out to over 450,000 unique users per day consisting of Hong Kong users and Chinese living overseas. ranks uwants no.2 among Traditional Chinese websites and 4 among Hong Kong websites. Being one of the highest- ranking and highest- reaching Chinese forum with more than 1.2 millions registered members.
Uwants Homepage monthly pageviews:20 millions Age Gender Education levelMonthly Income
Hong Kong Card is the only Credit Card information portal which covers most of the card issuers in Hong Kong. provides information such as Most Updated Reward Programs, Welcome Benefits and Existing Promotion.
Hong Kong Card Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 1 million+ Monthly Unique Users: 52,000+ Members: 47,926 Gender Education Age Monthly Income
Facebook Traffic Registered members: 2.9 millions + Gender Female 51% Male 49% Age % % % %
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