Newspaper Association of America Do Great Brands Beget Great Brands?
Our Speakers üSheryl Oliver, National Advertising Dir., NAA üLance Adeszko, Interactive Sales Manager, Tribune Interactive üTom Kelley, National Sales Manager, Real Cities Network
Today’s Focus üThe Newspaper Association of America (NAA) and our distinguished panel of newspaper interactive experts will share new research, breakthrough ad vehicles and solutions for marketers utilizing newspaper websites. üIn addition, we will share actual case studies on branding effectiveness and provide examples of new media platforms such as podcasts, VODcasts, print and online circulars and more. üQ&A
Research Overview üOPA, Millward Brown, comScore - Affinity Study, 2002 üMORI - Power Users, 2006 üOPA - Day in the Life, 2006 ü comScore - Buying Power Index, April April, 2006 ü Dynamic Logic MarketNorms®, 2006
Content Site Audiences Have Higher Affinity Source: OPA Audience Affinity Study, 2002
OPA Study Implications High-Affinity audiences are more valuable to advertisers. Advertisers will experience greater advertising efficiency with high-affinity audiences. Advertisers will have greater efficiency in reaching high-affinity users by including content sites in their media plan.
Source: Online newspaper impact on purchase intent from Dynamic Logic MarketNorms® -- see the full report on The Digital Edge (
Source: MORI/Power Users 2006 ’06 NP site’06 Non-users Male 50% Female <$50K 3743 $50K-$99K 4140 $100K HS or less 1531 Some college/v-tech 3334 College grad Gender Age HH Income ’06 Mean Age (NP site users): 39.1 ’06 Mean Age (Non- users): 42.7 ’06 Mean Income (NP site users): $73,200 ’06 Mean Income (Non-users): $65,900 Education Newspaper Web Site Users
ü 91 percent recently shopped online ü 89 percent recently bought online ü 90 percent are employed ü 71 percent are online work ü 63 percent check news daily ü 70 percent frequently bank online ü 64 percent recently checked classifieds online ü 68 percent have home broadband ü 52 percent have college degrees Source: MORI/Power Users 2006
Content Used When Visiting Newspaper Web sites
Source: MORI Research Base: Online respondents (43% use Web site in addition to print) Reasons Use Newspaper Web Sites in Addition to Print
44% 17% 44% 11% 46% 12% 75% 39% Reach for newspapers + Web vs. Newspapers alone Source: OPA, Day in the Life 2006 Web Adds to Newspapers’ Reach
Online Newspaper Readers’ Buying Power Outperforms that of Portals by a Wide Margin üOf 158 online newspapers whose users’ “buying power” is tracked by comScore MediaMetrix on a monthly basis, only 4 failed to rise above the norm. üMore than half online newspapers tracked had a “buying power index” or BPI score greater than one and a half times comScore’s average ranking. üBPI is a measure of a site’s visitors’ online buying expenditure indexed to the total Internet population. Source: comScore Buying Power Index April 2005-April 2006
Smart Media Examples – CVS on When a consumer scrolls over the CVS ad unit the rich media ad expands to display items from the CVS circular
Smart Media Examples – Walgreen’s on Topix
Examples of Powerful Brands Using Powerful Brands
Resources üHot New Research: üAdvertising success stories: üOnline Newspaper Reach (quarterly Nielsen numbers): üWhere NAA's New Media Federation Congregates:
NAA Contact Information üNational Director: Sheryl Oliver, üOnline Business Development Director: Melinda Gipson, üRetail Director: Charleen Stewart, üLet us know how we can help.