Shay Sheinfeld, Erez Kastel, Inbal Dolev Google Workshop 2008 Presenting:
Store and maintain your own personal playlists online Listen to your music, anywhere, anytime! Manage your music easily and quickly. Share your music with friends and family.
Some Additional Features.. Storing multiple playlists Creating playlists from entire albums, movie soundtracks, etc.. Sharing playlists with friends (possible use of Open Social) Adding lyrics to songs in the playlist. Enhanced search engine, allowing us to choose between live performances, album,. Canvas mode
View entire albums by searching one song (and then choose to add entire album to playlist, or select individual tracks)
MadonnaHappy Songs Add A SongAdd An AlbumShare Music X-
Server Manipulating data from different sources using XML or get/post requests (all data manipulations are based on the Google App engine). Connecting to lyrics sites Storing multiple playlists per user, using Big Table, GQL Storing ranking server Sharing playlists with friends using Open Social Manipulating YouTube's search (YouTube's search is a basic free style search, we would like to categorize the search by: artist, album, song etc) Client Example capabilities: Defining the gadget's GUI using JavaSscript, CSS and using Google Visualisation API. Retrieving data from external sources and websites, most importantly YouTube (and using YouTube APIs)
Architecture ClientSide: Google gadget API YouTube player API Canvas API Google visualisation API ServerSide: YouTube Data API Google app engine API OpenSocial API Big Table, GQL JavaScript DHTML XML/RSS feeds Phyton