Experience in Implementing Internet for Education Asia Internet Interconnection Initiatives Institute of Technology Bandung
Focus zExisting Implemented Infrastructure. zTechnology Implemented to Support Distance Learning.
Outline zCurrent Infrastructure. zBrief overview on our research results in: yphysical layer. yNetwork layer. yApplication layer.
Connection to IIX via RadNet
7 Universities via VSAT TDMA
SCPC Connect 3 Universities
Connect to 6 Universities
5 Universities / Research Inst
> 10 educational institutions
Results in Physical Layer zHomebrew 2Mbps CDMA. zVSAT TDMA vs. SCPC Network. zLow Cost Access for Schools. zInternet Access for Amateur Radio
VSAT TDMA vs. SCPC zVSAT TDMA 128Kbps Outbound zVSAT TDMA 64Kbps Inbound zVSAT TDMA is not suitable for Internet application (especially Web). zTune TDM for 40 byte (originally 256byte packet). zMigrating to VSAT SCPC 19.2Kbps at least.
Homebrew 2Mbps CDMA zUses Lucent CDMA 2Mbps card 915MHz 250mW. zRun on FreeBSD. zHomebrew antenna (cost ~US$150). zMax. distance 15km (use PA for more). zMost of our high speed MAN using this technology.
Consequences CDMA2Mbps zbypassing local line. zWe promote diffierent alternative for building high speed network.
Homebrew Kbps packet radio zWe are prototyping Kbps packet radio network in the lab by zAX.25 link layer protocol is used. zGMSK MX 586 one chip modem is used. zWe drive the modem via parallel port. zMMIC Minicircuit is being build for transverter.
Low Cost Access for Schools zAX bps Packet Radio Network. zProxy Server. zDial on Demand for Web & Interactive Internet Access.
Amateur Radio Network Jakarta Bandung Malang
Results in Network Layer zNetwork Monitoring by zMonitor at yNetwork Map ySample of traffic by protocol, port, etc. yGraph of total traffic. zMigration to OSPF for internal routing.
Results in Application Layer zMailing Lists zEnglish Technical Writting Course distance learning test bed. zCache & Cache Monitoring. zMPEG-3 Test Bed. zRealPublisher & NetShow test bed.
Cache zITB has set 4 Parents. zCache person is zWe cache all of our Web traffic. zcheck out
Mailing Lists zUses majordomo on FreeBSD zRun on Dual Pentium 166MHz 32Mb RAM. zMore than 220 mailing lists at ITB. (more than 75% Indonesian mailing lists). zMore than subscribers. zWe are trying to build the community in Indonesia.
Distance Learning zITB’s Server:
Video Conference z25 October 1997: 14:00 Indonesia Time. zThree Cities: Bandung-Surabaya-Malang zCU-SeeMe & Its Reflector. zAiming for high school network in Indonesia. zJuly 1997: Panel Discussion on the future of higher education (UNU).
Video on Demand zSupported by Microsoft & Progressive Network. zSplitter for UNFCC COP3 December zPublisher for “Kongres Ikatan Alumni ITB” December 1997.
Summary zITB has managed to integrate more than 20 educational institutions to Internet. zMajor IT used: y2Mbps CDMA Network. yWeb based distance learning. yReal Publisher / Microsoft NetShow. zKey to success: Mass Qualified Human Resource