Math Vocabulary
1. A closed shape made up of three or more straight sides is a : Polygon Triangle Prism Cylinder Polygon
A geometric figure or its diagram is a/an: Prism Cylinder Cone Sphere Prism
Any flat surface on a three-dimensional object is called a/an: base face vertex edge Face
An object with 6 faces that are all square is called a/an: rectangular prism triangle quadrilateral cube Cube
An object with one base and triangular faces that meet at a point is called a/an: triangle pyramid cone prism Pyramid
An object with a circular base, a curved surface, and a vertex is called a cylinder cone face rectangular prism Cone
An object shaped like a ball is a/an: cone cylinder sphere prism Sphere
An object with 2 matching circular bases joined by a curved surface is called a: quadrilateral hexagon polygon cylinder Cylinder
A polygon with three sides is called a: triangle prism pyramid edge Triangle
A polygon with four sides is called a: quadrilateral hexagon pentagon octagon Quadrilatera l
A polygon with five sides is called a: quadrilateral hexagon pentagon octagon hexagon
A polygon with six sides is called a: quadrilateral hexagon pentagon octagon Pentagon
A polygon with eight sides is called a: quadrilateral hexagon pentagon octagon Octagon
A polygon with eight sides is called a: quadrilateral hexagon pentagon octagon
The face that names an object is: an edge a vertex a face a base A base
Any flat surface on a three-dimensional object is an edge a vertex a face a base A face
What is formed when two surfaces of an object meet is called: an edge a vertex a face a base edge
A point where two or more edges of a shape meet is: an edge a vertex a face a base VERTEX
An object with a circular base, a curved surface, and a vertex is called a/an: pyramid cone cylinder sphere cone
The frame of an object that shows its edges and vertices is a/an: quadrilateral skeleton triangle polygon Skeleton
A way to describe a shape or object is: An attribute A sorting rule A pattern A pattern rule
A pattern that grows larger at each step is: An attribute A pattern rule A growing pattern A Decreasing pattern
A statement that tells about a pattern or tells how to make a pattern is: A sorting rule A pattern rule An attribute An increasing pattern
A pattern that grows smaller each step is: A growing pattern A decreasing pattern A pattern rule An increasing pattern
A pattern that has a core that is seen again and again is: An increasing pattern A decreasing pattern A shrinking pattern A repeating pattern
Something that names an attribute used to decide if an item belongs in a group is: A sorting rule A pattern rule An increasing pattern A shrinking pattern
The value of a digit that appears in a number is: A referent A number line An estimate Place value
When we look at how items are alike as well as how they are different we are: Adding Comparing Sorting Subtracting
When numbers are placed in a sequence according to some rule it is: Order Sort Compare Treat
Something with evenly spaced numbers marked in order is An estimate A referent A digit comparing
A thoughtful guess that is close to the answer, but not exact, is: An order An estimate A place value A digit
Something you can think about to help you estimate a measurement as: A digit A place value An order A referent
The number we get when we combine 10 groups of 10 is: Ten One hundred One thousand One hundred thousand
When we combine two or more quantities together to find out how many altogether it is called: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
When two numbers are written with an addition sign between them, an equal sign and then an answer it is called: Addition facts Subtraction facts Sum Related facts
The addition of two numbers that are the same is called: Near doubles Related facts Estimate Doubles
The result of adding a number to the next counting number is: Near doubles Related facts Estimate Doubles
The result of addition is: Difference Product Sum Divisor
Facts that use the same numbers, but different operations are called: Near doubles Related facts Estimate Doubles
Equation when two numbers are written with a subtraction sign between them, an equal sign, and then the answer is: Near doubles Related facts Estimate Doubles
Calculating the answer without use of any materials, a calculator, pencil or paper is: A difference A sum Mental math Estimating
The result of subtraction is: A sum Difference A product A divisor
A standard among everything used for measuring is A minute An hour A unit A day
A unit for measuring time; sixty minutes makes: A second A minute An hour A day
A unit used for measuring time; the amount of time it takes to blink is: A minute A second An hour A day
A unit used in measuring time; made up of sixty seconds is: A second A minute An hour A day
An organized way to show days, weeks, months and years is a Perimeter Calendar Referent mass
The measurement from end to end; how long something is; Width Height Length Metre
The distance across something is: Width Height Length Metre
The measurement of top to bottom is: Width Height Length Metre
A unit used for measuring, usually about the width of a thumb: A metre A kilometre A centimetre An hour
A unit used for measuring, usually used to measure something like the perimeter of a room: A metre A kilometre A centimetre An hour
The distance around a shape is the: Perimeter Height Width Length
Measures how much weight is in an object is: Length Mass Width Height
A unit used to measure the mass of an object; usually used to measure how much person weighs is: A metre A kilometre A gram A kilogram
When all the parts have the same amount we say that they are: Equal parts Unequal parts Pizza parts Fractions
Something that shows the part that are less than the whole is: An equal part A fraction A denominator A whole
The fraction we get when we make 2 equal shares of an item is: A half A third A quarter A fifth
The fraction we get when we make three equal share of an item is: A half A third A quarter A fifth
The fraction we get when we make 4 equal share of an item is: A half A third A quarter A fifth
The fraction we get when we make five equal shares of an item is: A half A third A quarter A fifth
The fraction we get when we make six equal shares of an item is: A sixth A seventh An eighth A ninth
The fraction we get when we make seven equal shares of an item is: A sixth A seventh An eighth A ninth
The fraction we get when we make eight equal share of an item is: A sixth A seventh An eighth A ninth
The fraction we get when we make nine equal shares of an item is a: A sixth A seventh An eighth A ninth
The fraction we get when we make ten equal shares of an item is: A sixth A tenth An eighth A ninth
The part of the fraction that tells how many equal parts to count is: A numerator A denominator A half A whole
The part of the fraction that tells how many equal parts are in one whole is: A numerator A denominator A half A whole
Finding the total number in a set of equal groups is : Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
When two numbers have a multiplication sign between them, an equal sign and then an answer it is called: A addition sentence A subtraction sentence A multiplication sentence A division sentence
Another word for “multiply by” is: Add Take away Goes in to Times
Groups that have the same number of things in each group are called: Unequal groups Equal groups Division Addition
A set of objects arranged in equal rows is called: An even number An even group An array A product
The result of multiplying two numbers together is: A sum A difference A product A quotient
To separate into equal parts or equal groups is to: Add Subtract Multiply Divide
When two numbers have a division sign between them, an equal sign and then an answer it is: An addition sentence A subtraction sentence A multiplication sentence A division sentence
When we say how many times a smaller number goes into a larger number we are saying: Added to Subtracted from Timesed by Divided by
Any number that we can reach when counting by 2’s; a number that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is: A addend An odd number An even number A product
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all called: Operations Equal groups Arrays Products
Any number that you would reach by counting by 2’s: a number that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9: A addend An odd number An even number A product
A way of counting items by making one mark for each item you count is a : Tally mark Tally chart Scale Data
A chart on which a count is kept is a: Tally chart Bar graph Axis Scale
A graph that uses an X to show each piece of data is: Data A bar graph An axis A line plot
Something that shows data using bars on a grid is: Data A bar graph An axis A line plot
The part of the graph that tells what the graph is about is: An axis A scale A title Data
The numbers written along either axis on the graph; or the number of items each unit on a bar graph represents is: Data Scale Tally Vertical
A line that goes left to right is a: Data line Vertical line Line plot Horizontal line
A line that goes up and down is: Data line Vertical line Line plot Horizontal line
Facts or information collected to learn about people or things is: A tally mark A bar graph Data Scale