Decimals; Add and Subtract Adding and subtracting decimals.
Ordering Fractions Putting Negative and Positive Fractions on the number line.
Scientific Notation Is a way of expressing really big numbers or really small numbers. Using Standard Form and Scientific Notation.
Integers Negative and Positive whole numbers.
Percent of a Number Changing the numbers to Percent, Decimal, and into a Fraction.
Proportions Finding the missing value.
Similar Figures The same Shapes, but in different sizes; you use both of them to make a proportion….and use THAT, to find your answer.
Percent Properties Knowing the places for the Percent.
Coordinate Plan Knowing your Quadrants; knowing the difference of where to put the decimals, and where the negatives and positives are.
Scale Factor Dialation; When a figure is increased or decreased by a scale. Scale Factor; Number you multiply by to get a dialation. ( When the scale factor is larger than one, the new figure gets bigger ).
Pythagorean Theorem Is a way of finding the Hypotenuse for triangles. Only works on Right angles. Letters A and B always make the Right Angle.
Changing Dimentions The Perimeter goes up times the scale factor Square the S.F. and multiply times the org. area to get the new area.
Area of Triangles & Trapezoids Finding the Area or the Height of the Triangles & Trapezoids.
Surface Area Finding the area of all sides and adding it up.
Scatter Plots Scatter Plots are used to see if the Variable or one type of data effects another.