AGCA Pride Campaign Catherine B. Demesa, CF and Orlando C. Arciaga, Supervisor Improved MPA Governance through community ownership and Pride SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN
The Social Marketing Strategy As a result of the Threat Ranking… Target Audience Desired Behavior Change Fishers 265 Protect our NTZ by reporting intrusion Community 1, 236 Help protect our NTZ by reporting intrusion Governance and Enforcement strategy: Protect the NTZ by guarding 24/7 Draft and adopt management plan thru ordinance Install efficient and effective reporting system SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN
Brand and message SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Yamang dagat Buhay ng mandaragat I am capable of providing for the needs of my family because I protect our NTZ. OUR NTZ IS A SACRED GROUND FOR US AND IT IS OUR SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DUTY TO PROTECT IT FROM INTRUDERS. I feel I am responsible community member for I report Intrusions in the NTZ.
Social marketing activities SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Top 5 SM activities Print Media Billboard and posters with calendar showing high and low tides Community outreach reef peek through snorkel and microscope Mascot/Flagship species visits schools, church, municipal hall and plazas, websites Mass media Radio plugs and press releases Local cable channel Lots of IC
Supporting activities SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Top 3 BR activities Construction and blessing of guardhouse and buoys Management Plan adoption thru ordinance Strengthen reporting system Local Curriculum Development for boundary partners ( mentoring and coaching)
Vision for the future SOCIAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Promoting Values Pride Ownership Peace Unity Partnership