Indira Awaas Yojana Performance Review Committee 9 th July 2015
Housing for All – Proposed Design House size enhanced to 25m^2 Government assistance proposed to be enhanced Use of SECC Allocation of resources & Identification of beneficiaries Gram Panchayat based saturation approach - Convergence – Over and above unit cost – SBM (G) – MGNREGS – unskilled wage component – Other relevant schemes District material banks & facilitation centers DBT – PFMS & Aadhaar linking Monitoring – Geo referenced time stamped photos captured through mobile app – AwaasSoft
Challenges In existing measures Inadequate efforts towards convergence with NREGS & SBM States still lagging in use of AwaasSoft Delays in the roll – out of PFMS – States slow in meeting prerequisites and challenges at the central level Procedure for use of SECC data being finalised - States to finalise list Initiatives required Creating access to Location specific design & technology Construction materials at affordable rates Institutional credit Skilled and semi-skilled man power
Convergence In all beneficiaries must recieve benefits under NREGS & SBM Generation of work and muster roll in NREGASoft linked to Sanction of houses in AwaasSoft Capturing of job card number and SBM Unique ID during registration to be made mandatory lacklustre progress
Use of MIS Use of AwaasSoft is mandatory – Ministry to monitor progress based on MIS reports Reporting through physical copies and online MPR discontinued as on Non - negotiables – Number & proportion of instalments to be fixed for the year – All sanctions to be made before – December 31 st,2015 Use MIS for regular monitoring of progress at State/District level States should use administrative funds to hire and train man power in use of AwaasSoft Reporting of Special projects to be done as on priority
PFMS – Status Progress in meeting the pre-requisites States yet to start work Himachal, Haryana, Punjab, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim Register State level debit A/C with PFMS Bihar, Chhattisgarh, J & K, MP, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura Register DSCs Goa, Gujarat, J & K, Rajasthan, Meghalaya, Enrol DSCs Goa, Gujarat, J & K, Rajasthan, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu, UP, Uttarakhand, Assam, Activate DSCs Bihar, Chhattisgarh, J & K, MP, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP, West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya Freeze beneficiary A/C detailsUP, Meghalaya, Tripura Training in use of PFMS can begin only when pre-requisites are met
Use of SECC 2011 Stage 1 : Identification of eligible beneficiaries – At State/District Exclusion process – All households fulfilling any two of the 14 exclusion parameters would be automatically excluded List of eligible households (the universe) - Houseless and households living in zero/one/two room houses with kutcha roof and kutcha walls Priority list - Households in the category wise list ( SC, ST, Minority, Others) for every Gram Panchayat should be ranked based on their scores Sl. No. ParameterWeight 1. Destitute / living on alms 1 2. Households with transgender persons 1 3. If a member of the household is from a Primitive Tribal Group, a legally released bonded labourer, a manual scavenger 1 4. Women headed households with no adult male member between age 16 and Households with no adult member between age 16 and Any member with a disability 1
Use of SECC 2011 Finalisation of Annual Select list - Gram Sabha Priority households to be considered for inclusion Households with widows and next-of-kin of members of defence/paramilitary /police forces killed in action Households where a member is suffering from leprosy or cancer People living with HIV Elevation of a household to a higher rank or Removal can be made with proper justification being recorded Approved Annual select list should be disseminated and aggregated to the district and State level for monitoring
Documentation of designs & technology Creation of compendium of appropriate design typologies and technology for all districts Studies conducted in – Tripura, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Odisha, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh Consultative workshops held in – Tripura & Meghalaya Exercise proposed in – IIT Delhi – J & K, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh – UNDP – Assam, West Bengal, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Manipur These exercise would lead to regional type designs which can be offered to selected beneficiaries Some states have taken similar initiatives. This may also be shared with the Ministry
Capacity building Need to train masons &other artisans to enable construction of the targeted number of houses and to ensure good construction practices Curriculum and certification process under development Identifying training & certifying agencies, processes and delivery mechanism for capacity building Enabling progression of workers from unskilled to semi skilled to skilled levels Access to affordable material States to explore options for bulk procurement esp. for cement & steel Cement - Platform for infrastructure and materials provider Production of materials such as bricks through NREGA Facilitation
Mobile app Android based application for inspection of houses Captures the geographical coordinates and time & date of capture Can be used by officers/beneficiary/facilitator Photos captured to be verified by block/district office and approve sanction of subsequent instalment to the beneficiary (Demonstration)
Social Audit IAY to be audited along with NREGA All houses under the scheme – normal & special projects to be covered Use of administrative funds for the purpose States to nominate officers for NIRD trainings scheduled in August
Progress Decision of fund sharing pattern awaited for finalising targets Release of first instalments pending for Kerala, Punjab, J & K, Manipur, Uttarakhand All sanctions to be done through AwaasSoft and all funds to be disbursed through PFMS Sanctions have been issued in – Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Kerala, Manipur, Odisha, Rajasthan & West Bengal
Progress Payments to sanctions made in & earlier to flow through existing mechanisms Funds available with districts/blocks to be exhausted before drawing from State central account Closer monitoring to ensure completion State % of beneficiari es availed 2nd inst. State % of beneficiari es availed 2nd inst. AP & Telangana100.00Assam30.50 Mizoram99.83Gujarat28.91 Tamil Nadu90.03Rajasthan19.06 Karnataka85.06Manipur17.39 West Bengal71.44Jharkhand6.64 Odisha60.27Bihar6.12 Maharashtra59.24Uttar Pradesh6.05 Kerala56.26Goa1.28 Haryana50.59Himachal Pradesh0.87 Tripura50.39Meghalaya0.22 Uttarakhand43.90Jammu & Kashmir0.05 Sikkim42.37 Chhattisgarh41.90
Action on CAG Report States from where replies have been received Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand& Nagaland (10 States) States from where replies received partly or revised replies sought Andhra Pradesh (1), Arunachal Pradesh(10), Bihar (17), Goa (9), Gujarat (2), Karnataka (18), Kerala (10), Odisha (7), Punjab (4), Tripura (9), West Bengal (11), Lakshadweep (8) (12 States/UTs) States which have not sent replies so far Assam, Haryana, Jammu& Kashmir, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Daman & Diu (8 States/UTs) ( Figures in brackets denote No. of paras for which replies/revised replies are still awaited) Public Accounts Committee to examine report – States to expedite action taken reports
Complaints/cases pending Court cases pending Govt. of Assam Writ Petition (C) No of 2014 filed by Shri Bhaban Das and others in the High Court of Assam Govt. of Maharashtra Writ Petition filed by Shri Gangaram Patil and others in the High Court of Maharashtra, Aurangabad Bench Govt. of KarnatakaWP No /2012 in the High Court of Karanataka Govt. of BiharWP (C) 287/13 in Mohammad Shahid Anwar in the Supreme court of India StateComplaints pending StateComplaints pending Assam17Madhya Pradesh2 Bihar22Orissa8 Gujarat1Rajasthan4 Jammu & Kashmir1Tamil Nadu1 Jharkhand4Uttar Pradesh36 West Bengal4
Thank you…