RT-LAB Electrical Applications 1 Opal-RT Technologies Real-time Simulation of 15-bus Electric Grids interconnected with an 192-pulse STATCOM using the eMEGAsim simulator Weihua Wang Opal-RT Technologies July 9 th, 2009 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Opal-RT Technologies
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 2 Introduction to the eMEGAsim Real-Time Simulator Configuration of the Simulated Power System Models The Power Grid Model The STATCOM Model Model Distribution and Performance Sample Test Scenarios Result Cross-validation of Different Simulation Platforms Conclusion
3 Opal-RT Toolboxes for SIMULINK Blocksets SimPower Systems StateSta Stateflow S Real-Time Workshop eMEGAsim RT-LAB™ ARTEMiS™ eMEGAsim SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE RTeDRIVE™ RT-Events™
4 eMEGAsim Basic Hardware ARCHITECTURE PC-Based RT Sim. 2 OHCI InfiniBand Dolphin OHCI InfiniBand Dolphin PCI PC-Based Real-Time Simulator 1 FPGA (OP5110) FPGA (OP5110) 16 Dig Out 16 Dig In Carrier 16 An Out 16 An In Carrier PCI CPU Sh.Mem. eMEGAsim OHCI InfiniBand Dolphin OHCI InfiniBand Dolphin
5 The Simulated Power Grid Model 6 Synchronous generators with complete alternator modeled in the full park D- Q rotor reference frame and mechanical parts 6 excitation systems (IEEE type 1 sychronous machine voltage regulator) 12 Artemis TM Distributed Parameter Lines (DPL) using Begeron DPL model 8 hybrid loads (with 70% induction motor and 30% constant impedance load)
The 192-pulse STATCOM Model 6 RTE Drive TM Time Stamped Bridge 24 Switches per Group, and 8 Groups, 192 Switches in total
Model Distribution – Grid Model 7 CPU 1CPU 3CPU 2
Model Distribution and Performance - the Grid Model Components ContentCalculation Time* Minimum Step size Acceleration Factor** CPU1: Network1 3 Synchronous Machines 3 Three-phase Two-winding Transformers 6 DPL (1/2 decoupling) 3 Induction Motors 3 Three-phase RLC loads 25us (50%) (50 us Time- step) 40us 116 (50us) CPU2: Network2 3 Synchronous Machines 3 Three-phase Two-winding Transformers 1 Three-phase Three- winding Transformers 6 DPLs (1/2 decoupling) and 6 DPLs 5 Induction Motors 5 Three-phase RLC loads 1 Capacitor Bank 31us (62%) (50 us Time- step) CPU3: Controllers 6 Synchronous Machine Controllers 9us (9%) (100us Time- step) 8 * The eMEGAsim target computer used for the test is a dual Intel® Core TM 2 Quad Processors, 2.3GHz, 2 GB RAM ** The Windows-based PC station used for the test is a Intel® Core TM 2 Duo CPU, 2GHz, 2 GB RAM
Model Distribution and Performance - the STATCOM Model 9 Component ContentCalculation Time * Minimum Step size Acceleration Factor ** CPU1: Network 24 Single-phase Two-winding Transformers 1 Three-phase Two-winding Transformers 1 Three-phase Harmonic Filter 2 Three-phase ideal sources 2 Three-phase RLC loads 2 DPLs 1 STATCOM main controller 22us (44%) (50 us Time- step) 37us 6.7*** (50us) CPU2: STATCOM Groups 1 to 4 8 Three-Level Time-stamped Bridges (96 switches) 4 PWM Firing Units 33us (66%) (50 us Time- step) 35**** (50us) CPU3: STATCOM Groups 5 to 8 8 Three-Level Time-stamped Bridges (72 switches) 4 PWM Firing Units 33 us (66%) (50us Time-step) 15124***** (Variable Steps) * The eMEGAsim target computer used for the test is a dual Intel® Core TM 2 Quad Processors, 2.3GHz, 2 GB RAM ** The Windows-based PC station used for the test is a Intel® Core TM 2 Duo CPU, 2GHz, 2 GB RAM ***All IGBTs were simulated by the Time-stamped Bridges from RTeDRIVE TM using the Art5 solver from Artemis TM. **** All IGBTs were simulated by the Three-level Bridges from the SimPowerSystem using the Art5 solver from Artemis TM. ***** All IGBTs were simulated by the Three-level Bridges from the SimPowerSystem using Ode23t (Trapezoidal solver).
CPU1: Network1 CPU2: Network2 CPU3: PCC CPU4: STATCOM CPU5: STATCOM CPU6: Controller Component Content 3 Synchronous Machines and their controllers 3 Three- phase Two- winding Transformers 6 DPL (1/2 decoupling) 3 Induction Motors 3 Three-phase RLC loads 3 Synchronous Machines and their controllers 3 Three-phase Two-winding Transformers 6 DPL (1/2 decoupling) 3 Induction Motors 3 Three-phase RLC loads 2 ideal switches 2 Power Calculation blocks 1 Three-phase Three-winding Transformers 24 Single-phase Two-winding Transformers 12 DPLs (1/2 decoupling) 1 Capacitor Bank 2 Induction Motors 2 Three-Phase RLC loads 8 Three-Level Time-stamped Bridges (96 switches) 4 PWM Firing Units 8 Three- Level Time- stamped Bridges (96 switches) 4 PWM Firing Units 1 STATCOM main controller Calculation Time* 23 us (46%) (50 usTime- step) 29 us (58%) (50 usTime-step) 30 us (60%) (50 usTime-step) 33 us (66%) (50 usTime- step) 33 us (66%) (50 usTime- step) 7 us (14%) (50 us Time- step) Minimum Step size 45 us Acceleration Factor** 142 (50us) Model Distribution and Performance - the Power Grid with a STATCOM Model 10 * The eMEGAsim target computer used for the test is a dual Intel® Core TM 2 Quad Processors, 2.3GHz, 2 GB RAM ** The Windows-based PC station used for the test is a Intel® Core TM 2 Duo CPU, 2GHz, 2 GB RAM
Sample Test Scenarios Short-circuit Faults Single-phase fault Phase-phase fault Three-phase fault Generator Switching Load Switching STATCOM switching 11
Sample Results Real-time simulation results for the voltage and current at Bus 6 12 Three-phase-to-ground fault applied at t=0.15s for a duration of 0.1 seconds
Results Cross-validation STATCOM voltage phase-A. (unit 10 4 V) Red for Reference model (made in EMTP) at time-step of 3us Blue for the STATCOM model made with Simpowersystem, RT-LAB, RT-Events and RTE-Drive running at time-step of 50 us, and green for voltage reference) 13
Conclusion A 15-bus electric grids interconnected with an 192-pulse STATCOM can be simulated on the validated eMEGAsim simulator The real-time simulation can be executed at a time-step less than 50 microseconds with adequate accuracy on the eMEGAsim platform Scenarios, including short-circuit faults, load and generator switching can be studied with the eMEGAsim using a detailed modeling approach 14