HOW TO MAKE A SURVEY WITH SURVEY MONKEY Directions with Diagrams Professional Development Webinar Survey Monkey Logo
Learning Survey Monkey Learn each step of the way. 1Builder 2QuestionBank 3Collection Analysis & Export 4 2by Judy Silver
» Effective » Saves time » Accessible on mobile devices wherever learners conduct surveys and their instructor checks them Why Survey Monkey? 3by Judy Silver
Use PROMPTS appearing for the TOOLS as you create your Surveys. TIP 4by Judy Silver
Builder Designing, editing & organizing 1 5by Judy Silver
MAIN USER INTERFACE Start with the menu to build your survey. 6by Judy Silver
Choose question types. Ranking Matrix Comment Box 7by Judy Silver
Use simple question types: For example, emphasize Likert or multiple choice questions, instead of larger, hard-to-scale matrix question types. Survey Monkey website, TIP 8by Judy Silver
Question Formatting 9by Judy Silver
U se human language: Be as clear with language as possible to ensure your respondents understand your questions. Survey Monkey website, TIP 10by Judy Silver
Edit your questions & responses. Write question. Write answers. Add or subtract answers and number of answers. Allow multiple answers per row. 11by Judy Silver
Continue editing your questions & responses. Allow Optional Answer or Comment. You may decide whether to validate the answer as a number, whole number, decimal number or text. Allocate space. 12by Judy Silver
Determine your options for each question. Determine how much page space the question should receive. How should the question fit on the page? Unanswered questions can show an Error Message. 13by Judy Silver
Determine the order for questions to appear. 14by Judy Silver
REMEMBER: Check frequently on your Survey’s formation using Preview. TIP 15by Judy Silver
PREVIEW Preview your Survey. 16by Judy Silver
Sample Preview Matrix with Comment Box Drop Down Short Answer Requiring Numbers 3 questions In one row 17by Judy Silver
2 Question Bank Prebuilt questions by topic 18by Judy Silver
SURVEY TOPICS Different Survey Topics Choose a topic and specific questions on that topic. 19by Judy Silver
Specific Questions on a Topic 20by Judy Silver
Question & Answer Edits Like Builder, Question Bank offers Edit, Options, Logic, Move and Copy. 21by Judy Silver
Options: Question & Answer Layouts 23by Judy Silver
Options: Require Answer; Sort, Randomize or Flip Choices 24by Judy Silver
LOGIC UPGRADES 25by Judy Silver
SURVEY OPTIONS 26by Judy Silver
Introduce your objective: When distributing your survey, provide the context with a brief sentence. Tell survey takers why you are asking these questions and how their feedback will help. For example, say, “Your feedback will help us know the facts behind the issues at stake.” Adapted from Survey Monkey website, TIP 27by Judy Silver
3 Response Collection Collecting data from your survey 28by Judy Silver
Edit Web Link 30by Judy Silver
Change Settings 31by Judy Silver
Restrictions & Manual Data Entry 32by Judy Silver
4 Response Analysis & Export Interpreting and sending off results 33by Judy Silver
ANALYSE & EXPORT 1. Current & Shared Views 34by Judy Silver
1—Current View: Compare 35by Judy Silver
1—Current View: Show 36by Judy Silver
ANALYSE & EXPORT 3. Data Trends 2. Modes 37by Judy Silver
2—Analysis Modes: Summary or Individual 38by Judy Silver
ANALYSE & EXPORT 4. Export 4 5. Share 5 39by Judy Silver
4—Security & Send Off 40by Judy Silver
4—Export 41by Judy Silver
3 & 4—Trends & Exports Upgrades 42by Judy Silver
5—Sharing Security Upgrade 43by Judy Silver
What’s Your Message? Have a good time building and deploying socially significant Survey Monkeys! 44by Judy Silver