AMIDES & IMIDES Lithium-Imide batteries Polyamine amide used as binding materials for electrical motors, transformers and electric appliances
1 ry amide 2 ry amide Aliphatic Aromatic Urea Sulphanilamide Phthalimide Amide Imide
Urea Urea Sulphanilamide SulphanilamidePhthalimide Physical properties: State Color Odor Inflammability Change in appearance Change in odor Residue comment Solid, granules.Solid, fine powder. White Ignition test: Inflammable, non luminous, non smoky Ammonia odor All odorless The compound is aliphatic Inflammable, luminous, smoky Melting then solidifying Melting White residue No residue The compounds are aromatic
Solubility: Urea Urea Sulphanilamide SulphanilamidePhthalimide H2OH2O L.p. Dil. HCl 10% NaOH Na 2 CO 3 test: Comment: Soluble No change ─ In soluble.: weak effervescence Soluble with warm (caution) (caution) In soluble Neutral.: Acid - Soluble in Dil. HCl but not ppted by 30% NaOH - Soluble in 10% NaOH but not ppted by Conc. HCl
Preliminary test: Urea Urea Sulphanilamide SulphanilamidePhthalimide Soda lime On cold: On hot: On hot: 30% NaOH On cold: On cold: On hot: On hot: FeCl 3 On cold: On cold: On hot: On hot: Conc. H 2 SO 4 On cold: On cold: On hot: On hot: No reaction in all Ammonia odor in all
Specific test for Urea: 1. Biuret reaction: few gm urea until melt cooling white residue + 10%NaOH (( to dissolve it drop by drop)) shaking clear solution + 1 or 2 drop CuSO 4 ((Cupper sulphate)) Purple color 2. Oxalate formation test: Saturated solution of urea + Oxalic acid solution (shiny). white crystalline ppt of urea oxalate (shiny). 3. Nitrate formation test: Saturated solution of urea + 2 drops Conc. HNO 3 (( nitric acid )) white ppt of urea nitrate
Specific test for Sulphanilamide: 1.Amphoteric character: 2. Azo dye formation test: sulphanilamide + dil.HCl (until dissolve) + 1 drop of NaNO 2 (sod. Nitrite solution) until faint pale yellow color (1) {Diazonium salt formed} It is unstable because that we must put it in ice, without ice it will decompose few phenol + 10% NaOH (until phenol dissolved) (2) Add (1) on (2) gradually ((Azo – dye formation)) Orange – red dye
Specific test for Phthalimide: Phthalimide + Phenol + 4 drops Conc. H 2 SO 4 cool pour in 10% NaOH in beaker heat until fussion 1.Phthalein test Un stable pink color Phthalimide + resorcinol drops Conc. H 2 SO 4 cool then pour in 10% NaOH heat until fussion beaker 2. Flourescein test Reddish green fluorescence + H 2 O Green fluorescence
IR LocationComment Urea Sulphanilamide Phthalimide 1690 cm -1 C=O streatching band 1690 cm -1 > 3000 cm -1 CH aromatic streatching band