CERN F. Ruggiero CARE Steering Committee, CERN, 05/04/ 2004 High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams CARE-HHH Network: coordinators: F. Ruggiero and W.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN F. Ruggiero CARE Steering Committee, CERN, 05/04/ 2004 High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams CARE-HHH Network: coordinators: F. Ruggiero and W. Scandale recent activities, workshops, and plans

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 2 CARE-HHH Network: 3 workpackages WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) coordinated by L. Rossi (CERN) and L. Bottura (CERN) keywords: stability and quench limit of LHC insertion magnets, pulsed magnets for LHC and GSI accelerator complex upgrade, magnets for booster ring, high field magnet design, optimisation of the overall cost WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) coordinated by H. Schmickler (CERN) and K. Wittenburg (DESY) keywords: tools and diagnostic systems for luminosity, wire for beam- beam compensation, advanced transverse beam diagnostics, feedback loops for orbit, chromaticity and coupling, advanced beam halo diagnostics, remote diagnostics and maintenance of instrumentation WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) coordinated by F. Ruggiero (CERN) and F. Zimmermann (CERN) keywords: Interaction Region design for LHC luminosity upgrade, optics design for booster synchrotrons, impedance calculations, structured list of intensity limits, electron cloud effects, beam measurements and advanced theoretical studies (including collimation, halo formation, and loss mechanisms)

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 3 CARE-HHH progress (first 18 months)

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 4 CARE-HHH implementation plan (2nd 18 months)

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 5 CARE-HHH implementation plan (2nd 18 months)

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 6 HHH activity/plans in 2005 Meeting with LHC experiments on LHC Upgrade issues, CERN, 14/01/2005 Topics: possible reduction of L*, shorter bunch spacings, split-wall chamber to shield AC long range beam-beam effects, possible help from the experiments to study radiation effects. Follow-up meeting scheduled at CERN on 13/04/2005. W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann, CERN seminar 03/02/2005 Highlights of HHH-2004 Workshop: “Beam Dynamics in Future Hadron Colliders and Rapidly Cycling Synchrotrons”. Proceedings ready for publication as CARE and CERN Yellow Report: CERN Courier article will be published in April New Pulsed-Magnet Working Group: first meeting at CERN, 17-18/02/2005 Participants: CERN-GSI-INFN-IHEP-CEA/Saclay web site at Topics: Fast pulsed SC magnets for GSI and LHC injector upgrade.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 7 Beam dynamics code repository

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 8 electron-cloud code table SR=synchrotron rad. photoelectrons; SE=secondary electron emission; IZ=ionization of resid. gas; BPL=beam-particle losses SC=self-consistent; [courtesy M. Furman, modified by F. Zimmermann]

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 9 CARE-HHH coordination meeting, CERN, 2/03/2005 Topics: HHH Network strategy, future events, and (P+M) resources. Alternative options, realistic set of milestones, project phases, and tentative dates for LHC luminosity upgrade requested by CERN management. Tentative milestones for future machine studies could be: 2005/2006: installation and test of a beam-beam long range compensation system at RHIC to be validated with colliding beams 2006/2007: new SPS experiment for crystal collimation 2006: installation and test of Crab cavities at KEKB to validate higher beam-beam limit and luminosity with large crossing angles 2007: if KEKB test successful, test of Crab cavities in a hadron machine to validate low RF noise and emittance preservation HHH-AMT Workshop on “Beam-Generated Heat Deposition and Quench Levels for LHC Magnets”, CERN, 3-4/03/2005 Topics: stability margin of ultimate LHC and validation of design for LHC upgrade, thermal transfer and superconductor stability, modeling and experiments, code comparison, experience on quench levels from magnet operation at CERN and from beam and magnet operation at other labs.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 10 CARE-HHH-APD mini-Workshop on “Crystal Collimation in Hadron Storage Rings” ('CC-2005‘), CERN 7-8/03/2005 Topics: beam cleaning, crystal extraction, experience with crystals at various colliders, crystal production technology and experimental procedures, crystal simulations, collimation requirements for the LHC, possible new crystal experiment at the CERN-SPS. Two discussions of F. Ruggiero and F. Zimmermann with P. McIntyre (magnet expert from Un. Texas visiting CERN for CARE-HHH-AMT studies) on 21-30/03/2005 Topics: SC magnet technology and design, radiation resistent "levitating" dipole-first, IR design and chromaticity correction for quadrupole-first, LHC energy tripler and photon stops, possible counter-measures against electron cloud. HHH-AMT seminars by P. McIntyre: "Recent Advances in Collider Dipole Technology", CERN, 18/03/2004, and "Novel Magnet Technologies for the LHC upgrade", CERN, 4/04/2005. Future seminars at CERN include: "LHC energy tripler", 14/04/2005, and "Novel method to avoid e-cloud limitation in the LHC", 15/04/2005. There will be also seminars on the "LHC energy tripler" at Saclay and at Dipartimento di Fisica, Milano.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 11 “Levitated” magnet design strain-tolerant Bi-2212 cable, with strands of superconductor in a silver matrix surrounding an inner flexible cooling tube (courtesy P. McIntyre)

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 12 CARE-HHH-AMT Topical Meeting on “Insulation and Impregnation Techniques”, CERN, 22-23/03/2005 Topics: conductor insulation, insulation of metallic pieces, interlayer insulation, resins composition, radiation resistance (connection to fusion research), fibre filling and sizing, heat transfer properties. W. Scandale, presentation on “LHC Upgrade” at IFAE2005 conference, Catania, 30/03-2/04/2005 LARP Collaboration meeting, Port Jefferson, 6-8/04/2005. Web site at Topics: technical and resource loaded plans for FY06 and FY07. F. Ruggiero, presentation on “LHC Upgrade, R&D and impact on LHC detectors”, CPPM workshop on Future Accelarators, Marseille, 7-8/04/2005. Proceedings of the 1st CARE-N3-ABI networking meeting (held in Aumühle, 22-23/06/2004) on “Trajectory and Beam position measurements using digital techniques”, CARE-Conf HHH. The Proceedings of the 2nd CARE-HHH-ABI networking meeting (held in Lyon, 1-2/12/2004) on “DC current transformers and beam-lifetime evaluations” will follow soon, CARE-Conf HHH.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 13 Future CARE-HHH workshops in 2005 CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on “Scenarios for the LHC luminosity upgrade”, Arcidosso, 31/08-3/09/2005 Topics: optical designs and luminosity performance for alternative IR layouts (dipole first vs quadrupole first (Nb-Ti or Ni3Sn) vs ironless magnet at very low beta*, beam-beam compensation schemes and machine-experiment interface), machine and magnet parameters for high energy injectors: lattice, magnet aperture, injection and extraction for new ring in the ISR tunnel, super-SPS with new transfer lines, or booster ring in the LHC tunnel. US-LARP mini-Workshop on “LHC IR upgrade”, FNAL, October 2005 Topics: heat deposition and magnet quench limits, TAS/TAN integration and follow-up of HHH-2004 workshop, feasibility of large crossing angles and CRAB cavities in hadron storage rings, beam-beam compensation schemes. CARE-HHH may support attendance of 2-3 people from CERN. This mini-workshop will be followed by a US-LARP coordination meeting.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 14 Future CARE-HHH workshops in 2005 Joint HHH-BENE-HIPPI Workshop on “Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons and Low Energy injectors”, September-October/2005? CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on “SC Pulsed Magnets for Accelerators”, Frascati(?), end October 2005 Topics: define set of agreed parameters for the development of SC magnets ranging from low field, continuously pulsed (typically 2 T peak, 4 T/s, 100 mm aperture, 10 8 cycles) to medium field, high-duty cycle magnets for storage and booster rings (typically 6 T peak, 1 T/s, 80 mm aperture, 10 6 cycles), translate requirements into specifications for performance of strand, cable, magnet and auxiliaries, define R&D required to achieve the above specifications and produce a tentative road-map for a procurement and prototyping activity.

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 15 Tentative conclusions All new HHH milestones and deliverables in the first quarter of 2005, i.e. workshops and proceedings, have been met! The CARE-HHH Network had weak/missing links to the experimental physics community the vacuum science community collimation, dump, and machine protection experts cryogenic experts A systematic review, optimization, and possible re-design of the LHC injector complex was not clearly identified as a topic within the CARE-HHH scope This is being partly corrected by re-scoping the HHH Network (see HHH-2004 workshop programme and plans for 2005), but properly addressing all the weak/missing topics will require additional resources Further R&D on pulsed magnets and optimized injector chain may justify a new request to Brussels

CERN F. RuggieroHHH Network 16 Possible EU NEST proposals “Fast SC pulsed magnets” for GSI and LHC injectors upgrade: CERN(Scandale)- GSI(Moritz)-INFN(Fabbricatore-Volpini)- CEA/Saclay(Rifflet) “EURODIP” (a possible NED extension): CERN- CEA/Saclay-CIEMAT “Electron model of FFAG”, CERN (marginally) involved for LHC accelerator complex upgrade: UK(CCLRC- Lancaster-Liverpool-Oxford)-CERN-CEA/Saclay