Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD implementation in Slovenia Boris Antolič, M.Sc. Counsellor to the Government Ministry of the Economy
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Contents introduction to the Low Voltage Directive – basic facts LVD directive – implementation in Slovenia
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, New Approach – Horizontal Aspects Standards (Mandate, Publication, Safeguard Clause) Testing, Certification (Assessment and Designation of Bodies) Market Surveillance CE-marking Essential Health and Safety Requirements
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Essential requirements lay down the necessary elements for protecting public interst essential requirements are mandatory set out in the annexes to the directives must be applied as a function of the hazards inherent to a given product (risk assessment)
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Harmonised standards harmonised standards are European standards adopted by European standard organisations agreed between the European Commission and European standards organisations follow a mandate issued by the Commission after consultation with the Member States published in the Official Journal of the EU
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD directive (73/23/EEC) 13 February 1973 one of the New Approach directives Council directive 93/68/EEC on the affixing and use of the CE marking drawn up before New Approach was established LVD Update in the process of drafting proposal
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Basic provisions of the directive what is electical equipment (scope) safety requirements applicable conditions to be fulfilled to place elecrtical equipment on the market conformity assessment procedure applicable CE marking
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Presumption of conformity equipment which complies with the safety provisions of harmonized standards shall be regarded as complying with the safety provisions of the directive list of harmonized standards and their references shall be published in the Official Journal of the EU where no harmonised standards drawn up - safety provisions of the International Commission on the Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment (CEE) or of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) if also no safety provisions - standards in force in the Member State of manufacture, if it ensures a safety level equivalent to that required in their own territory.
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Scope of the directive "electrical equipment" means any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1000 v for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 v for direct current, other than the equipment and phenomena listed in Annex II. includes also hazards (electrical, mechanical, chemical...) health aspects (noise and vibrations) ergonomic aspects
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Product excluded from the scope (1) Electrical equipment for use in an explosive atomosphere Electrical equipment for radiology and medical purposes Electrical parts for goods and passenger lifts Electricity meters Plugs and socket outlets for domestic use Electric fence controllers Radio-electrical interference Specialized electrical equipment, for use on ships, aircraft or railways, which complies with the safety provisions drawn up by international bodies in which the Member States participate.
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Product excluded from the scope (2) active components (integrated circuits, transistors, diodes, triacs…) passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductance, filters…) electromechanical components (connectors, devices for mechanical protection, relays, micro switches...) batery operated equipment
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Safety requirements for placing on the market equipment constructed in accordance with good engineering practice in safety matters in force in the Community it does not endanger the safety of persons, domestic animals or property Condition: when properly installed and maintained used in applications for which it was made
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Conformity assessment procedures under LVD technical documentation (manufacturer) before placing on the market declaration of conformity (manufacturer or his authorised representative) in writing - before placing the product on the market CE marking (manufacturer or his authorised representative) - before placing on the market
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Declaration of conformity Manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community declares that the product is in conformity whith the requirements of the LVD directive must be kept by the manufacturer or his authorised representative within the Community importer or person responsible for placing the product on the market must keep a copy of it at the disposal of the national authorities (inspection purposes)
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Technical documentation covers the design, manufacture and operation of electrical equipment makes possible to assess wheter the electrical equipment complies with the requirements of the Directive must be kept by the manufacturer or his authorised representative within the Community at the disposal of the national authorities for inspection purposes for at least ten years from the last date of manufacture of the product.
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, CE marking symbolises the conformity of the product with the applicable Community requirements imposed on the manufacturer affixed by the manufacturer or by his authorised representative established within the Community declaration that appropriate conformity assessment procedures have been completed products subject to several directives (and they all provide for the affixing of CE marking) - CE marking indicates presumption of conformity to the provisions of all these directives
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Role of the Notified Body module A - does not reqire third party conformity assessment procedure if market surveillance authorities require additional explaination manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community can submitt the test report provided by Notified body in the case of the challenge Commission can require the opinion of the notified body (measures on the market)
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Contents introduction to the Low Voltage Directive – basic facts LVD directive – implementation in Slovenia
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD - Basic Legislation Horizontal Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment Act (OG RS, No. 59/99, 37/04) Sectorial Order on electrical equipment designed for the use within certain voltage limits (OG RS, No. 53/00 and No. 27/02) Rules on electrical equipment designed for the use within certain voltage limits (OG RS, No. 27/04)
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD - Institutional infrastructure Competent authority: Ministry of the Economy (ME) Market surveillance authority: Market inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia Notified bodies: –SIQ – Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology –TCL - Testing and Certification Laboratory
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Main points of the Order transitional period special form of declaration of conformity registration of declaration of conformity (list of products) CE marking – enforcement with PECA or accession
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD – transposition NEW LEGISLATION ORDER (RULES) Declaration on conformity (SLO) Registration EC declaration on conformity Technical file CE marking Orders on mandatory attestation (use of old legislation) (PECA) (EU) ORDER RULES
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Registration of declaration of conformity supplier shall submit a test report to the institution carrying out the registration, which shall register the declaration declaration of conformity to be drawn up with Annex V to the Order (slovene language) 3 institutions responsible for registration
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Registration of declaration of conformity Product - subject to registration: household and similar electrical appliances; separating transformers and security separating transformers; portable tools with electric motors; electronic devices for household and similar use; Edison Screw lampholders; insulated power conductors and cables; switches for appliances; information technology devices and equipment, and electrical office machines; luminaires.
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, CE - marking Taked effect with the full membership of Slovenia to the European Union or the implementation of PECA
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, PECA (Protocol on European Conformity Assessment) signed on 26 November 2002 CONDITIONS: legislation harmonized (horizontal and sectorial) harmonized standards adopted infrastructure to be established and in function
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, PECA in force since 1 May 2003 Single Market extended to Slovenia first package (LVD, MD, EMC, GAD) no origin clause all provisions in the directives are to be considered as “authorised representative established in Slovenia or in the Community”
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Main points of the Rules provisions on mandatory attestation deleted registration provisions deleted new terminology (Community, manufacturer, authorized representative…) declaration of conformity – no additional requirement concernig the form and registration
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD enforcement maintenance of the legislation (new, changes…) publication of the list of standards market surveillance (Market Inspectorate) monitoring of notified bodies (annual reports, SA) European coordination activities (LVD Working Party, LVD ADCO) national co-ordination activities - LVD working (mirror) group in Slovenia
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Market Inspectorate responsible for the market surveillance of the equipment under LVD (contact point) measures taken if any non-conformities found annual budget for testing (sampling) co-operation with CABs on the field of LVD co-operation on EU level (ADCO) and national level (LVD working group on the Ministry) annual reports to the Ministry of the Economy
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Monitoring of Notified Bodies Regular (Slovenian accreditation): annual report of the Slovenian accreditation annual reports of Notified Bodies to the ME Extraordinay ME (only in the case of infringement)
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD Working Party chaired by the European Commission representatives of MS authorities responsible for implementation of LVD also representatives of the industry, consumers, standardisation (CENELEC) discussion on the interpretation of the directive, standards and some products in the scope documents discussed are available beforehand on the CIRCA database
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD ADCO meetings of the MS authorities responsible for the market surveilllance on the field of LVD European commission participation discussion on daily practice, statistics, problems of enforcement and dangerous products (safeguard clauses) on the market exchange of data (follow up) and experiences
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD working (mirror) group in Slovenia chaired by the ME - twice a year representatives of the industry, commerce, consumers, notified bodies, standardisation, accreditation and market surveillance discussion on problems encountered in the implementation (scope of LVD) preparation of some positions (technical matters) for meetings on EU level in Brussels
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, LVD Update (changes of LVD in the future) change of the scope (suspension of the low voltage limit) interface with other directives New Aproach principles essential requirements - more specified tracebility of the manufacturer role of notified bodies
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Additional information guide to the implementation of directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach ( on.htm) guidelines on the application of Council directive 73/23/EEC ( list of standards (LVD) ( s/reflist/lvd.html) list of notified bodies ( CENELEC ( IEC ( CIRCA (
Approximation of legislation to the internal market acquis An EU funded project managed by European Agency for Reconstruction LVD implementation in Slovenia Skopje, Thanks for your attendance Boris Antolič, MSc. Counsellor to the Government Ministry of the Economy