Lindsay Lake HSP305 Summer 2013 HOW TO LEAD A SMALL GROUP.


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Presentation transcript:

Lindsay Lake HSP305 Summer 2013 HOW TO LEAD A SMALL GROUP

 People join groups for many different reasons  Interpersonal needs  Maslow’s Theory  Individual goals  Depending on the desire for group or self success  Group and team goals  Similar goals can coincide with a group  Interpersonal attraction  Can be attracted to people in a group  Group attraction  Group activities and goals WHY DO PEOPLE JOIN GROUPS

 One way the group where I led a Bible study group, Campus Christian Fellowship, brings in new members is by serving them. On move in day on campus the leader pass out water bottles to the parents and students moving in.  Another way is by putting on events to welcome them in. BRINGING IN MEMBERS

 Introductions & Snacks  Icebreaker Game  Opening Prayer  Main Material  Closing Prayer  Questions  Announcements  This was the typical layout of the small group I led this last year through Campus Christian Fellowship. I found having a consistent schedule allowed group members to know what to expect which made them feel more comfortable. LAYOUT OF A SMALL GROUP MEETING

GOOD EXAMPLE OF A SMALL GROUP This is an example of how Campus Christian Fellowship welcomed new members this last fall.

 Meet with someone to collaborate ideas and thinking  Bounce ideas off of someone  Choose content that will apply to most group members  Take care of all the little details before meeting PLANNING THE FIRST MEETING

 There is an importance of getting acquainted with people that you are working with  Beebe and Masterson say, “Do more than just announce your name to the group. Perhaps you can provide information about how much experience you have with the topic; or you can talk about your experience in working in groups” (72)  Develop a plan with one another  Follow an agenda  Share information with one another so everyone is on the same page WORKING WITH OTHER LEADERS

 Use a journal to write out the plan of the meeting  Delegate tasks such as bring snacks or sharing announcements to group members  Beebe and Masterson say, “Groups and teams need an agenda to help them organize their discussion” (74) ORGANIZATION

 Today there a number of ways to use technology to make planning and organization easier  Facebook allows for messaging a number of people at a time. There is also a way to plan events which group members can be invited to.  Cell phones with text messaging allow for fast reminders about upcoming meetings and what is expected at said meetings. TECHNOLOGY


 Opening games are a great way to start a meeting.  Examples:  Highs & Lows=Where each member of the group shares their high of the week and their low of the week  M&M Game=Each group member picks a number of M&M’s and each M&M color represents a different question they answer for the group  2 Truths & 1 Lie=Group member chooses two truths and one lie and the rest of the group has to try to figure out which one is the lie INTRODUCTIONS This is a game my bible study group played where we had a ball of yarn and threw it to another group member and gave them a compliment. At the end the room was a spider web of compliments.

 Have questions for a small group relate to what the main material is going to be about  The goal is to get your group members thinking in a way to prepares them for the purpose and direction of the meeting  The questions shouldn’t challenge group members too much but just be there to get them thinking OPENING QUESTIONS

BAD EXAMPLE OF A SMALL GROUP This is a video Campus Christian Fellowship made to describe the opposite of an effective small group.

 After opening questions their should be a smooth transition that flows into the main material  Let the main material of the meeting flow smoothly  Try to keep on track but let the conversation go in the direction it’s heading MAIN MATERIAL OF THE MEETING

 Be respectful of time of meeting  Don’t force the end of a conversation but let it settle then bring to an end  Make sure there is time for questions  Answer question relevant to all group members  Make any announcements that could lead over to the next meeting HOW TO CONCLUDE THE SMALL GROUP

 Make sure that you take the time to reflect with group members and fellow group leaders on how the small group meeting went  Talk with someone not involved in the group to get an outside perspective  Be patient and recognize that everyone is different which means communication won’t be ideal  Beebe and Masterson said, “Conflict is a natural byproduct of communication; unless participants in your group share the same attitudes, beliefs, and values (an unlikely situation), there will be some conflict” (175) REFLECTION

Challenges will arise when leading a small group so try some of these ways to get the rest you need  Take a bath  Go for a walk  Talk to a friend  Reflect on your thoughts in a journal  Bake cookies  Pray  Get a cup of coffee SELF-CARE

How to be welcoming How to work along side of someone else How to delegate responsibilities How to organize How to listen How to love all people How to use technology as a tool How to reflect How to lead WHAT I LEARNED

This is a collection of pictures from the group I led and facilitated last year. We had a lot of fun MY BIBLE STUDY GROUP I LED LAST YEAR

 Beebe, S. A., & Masterson, J. T. (1986). Communicating in small groups: principles and practice. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman.  Campus Christian Fellowship. (2011). Men 4 jesus. Retrieved July 27, 2013 from  Campus Christian Fellowship. (2013). We are CCF part 2. Retrieved July 27, 2013 from  DisneyWreckItRalph. (2013). Wreck-it ralph: “Bad-anon” clip. Retrieved July 27, 2013, from REFERENCES