Ms. Hock Former Doerre Warrior and Klein Bearkat Teach 8 th On-level, 8 th Pre-Ap/GT
About Your Teacher I was born in Chicago, Illinois. I have a Chocolate Lab named Luke. I like to read, and I know a lot of teen fiction. My favorite movies are fantasies like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Transformers. I have one brother who lives in Boston.
First Day Take roll (please help me with pronunciations). Seating chart Rules/Expectations Materials Class Information
Class Expectations Enter classroom quietly and go directly to seat. You may check out library books before class but you are still expected to be in your assigned seat by the bell. Bring materials every day. Keep a relatively organized binder. I have been known to take student binders and organize them when papers are flying out of them.
Write down the class schedule either in your binder reminder or a section in your binder. Raise your hand. I will never ever respond to someone yelling a question at me. I prefer if you address me as Ms. Hock, not “Miss” or “Teacher.”
Follow the dress code. Hike up those pants! Keep those skirts an appropriate length for school! Just because Abercrombie models walk around half naked does not mean you should. No gum. Be respectful and sweet to your classmates. You are not going to like everyone, but only people who don’t like themselves are mean to other people. Be ready to learn.
Questions (remember to raise your hands) Where was I born? What is the name of my dog? What is one of the class expectations?
Supplies The following supplies are required daily for ELA classes: 1. 3-ring binder 2. Wide-ruled loose-leaf paper (No perforated or college ruled paper) 3. Two blue or black pens and one red pen 4. Package of dividers 5. Bound composition Book
Supplies as Needed 1. One package of assorted felt tip pens or colored pencils 2. #2 pencils 3. Glue stick 4. Folders with brads & pockets needed during the year 5. Scissors 6. Box of tissues 7. Flash Drive
Supplies are due Friday, August 30st. Talk to me if this is a problem. Averages are weighted: 60% major / 30% daily / 10% homework Major test days are Monday and Thursday. Late major work is accepted up to three days at ten points per day. Minor grades are accepted one day late for 30 points off.
Pre AP/GT Vocab Vocabulary Workshop Books $12.00 You may bring cash or check starting today! You may also order these online at the Doerre website. If you would prefer to borrow a book and do your homework on paper, please see me.
20 Book Challenge You may read any book as long as it is a chapter book and appropriate for your age. After reading the book, complete and turn in a class book review.
If you read a Lone Star book, please just take a Lone Star quiz in the library and turn that in to me. You do not need to fill out a book review. I want you to get credit for the book both here and in the library. You must follow the directions on the book review. Write in complete sentences. You will have to write it over if your review doesn’t reflect some thought.
When are your supplies due? Where can you find the form to fill out for the 20 Book Challenge? How many points are taken off for late work?
Rewards: 10 books by the end of the first semester- Pre AP: Exemption from mid year cumulative vocabulary test On-Level: Exemption from mid year literature test 20 books by the end of the year Pre AP: Exemption from end of year cumulative vocabulary test On-Level: Exemption from test over Greek Mythology Good Luck!!
Lone Star Books YKpp0&list=PLCldm3JxCVw3f- uZ9YDOCk1cI-yovDQUkhttp:// YKpp0&list=PLCldm3JxCVw3f- uZ9YDOCk1cI-yovDQUk