Software Verification Academician V.P.Ivannikov, Director of ISPRAS Moscow, November 2008
Nortel (specification and verification of real-time OS) Microsoft (IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 testing) Intel, Daimler-Chrysler (compiler testing) Intel (Java Virtual Machine) UniTESK: Specification Based Testing Technology
Specification Example specification double sqrt(double x) { pre { return x >= 0; } post { return sqrt*sqrt == x; } } invariant Triangle() { return x + y >= z && x + z >= y && y + z >= x; }
UniTesK Test Construction System under Test Behavior Model Specs Testing Model Coverage Model Specs Test Input Test Oracle: Behavior Correctness Checking
Grant of RosNauka functions specified and verified The Linux Foundation 2006 – nowadays over functions specified and tested Testing tools for Linux distributions and Linux applications Linux Information system LSB certification system Linux Standard Base. Standard Formalization and Verification Suite Development
Integration of testing and verification techniques Software and Hardware design test generation Linux drivers verification Testing of math libraries Current Research
Thank you Victor Invannikov