Objective: To listen attentively and respond appropriately to oral communication To express feelings
Where would you go on an adventure? Why? On my signal, turn and talk with your partner and complete this stem. I would go to _______________________. I would go there because _____________.
Objective: To listen for a purpose; To understand concepts of print We are going to read a poem today called “Searching’s End.” We will read the poem two times. I want you to listen as I read the poem the first time. After I read it one time, I want you to tell me where the author said he would find adventure. On the second time I would like for you to read the poem with me. When we finish reading I would like for you to tell me the rhyming words and also how this story is like “We’re Going on a Picnic.”
Searching’s End Adventure can be found In many places, In unfamiliar sounds, Or in new faces.
Objective: To read high frequency words right light run lovely white mile car side children important often group
Objective: To add phonemes to make new words
Objective: To read inflectional forms of –ed and –ing with spelling changes To recognize root words Let’s add ed and ing to the ending of some words to make new words wipe + ed = wiped glide + ed = glided save + ed = saved wipe + ing = wiping glide + ing = gliding save + ing = saving Notice that one e is dropped at the end of each of these words
Root Word hike pile wave Add –ed hiked piled waved Add –ing hiking piling waving
Mom and I baked a cake on Monday. Mom iced the cake I sprinkled nuts on top. We saved the cake to eat after dinner. I liked baking the cake. I liked tasting it, too! You read the words in blue and I will read the words in red.
Objective: To spell and write known high frequency words like line nine mine mile while take came gone near
Build Words life What spelling word can you make by changing f to k? bake Which spelling word can you make by changing the first letter? cave Which spelling word can you make by changing the v? pine Which spelling word can you make by changing the first letter? fine Which spelling word can you make by changing the first letter? mice What spelling word can you make by changing c to n? male What spelling word can you make by changing a to i?
Objective: To read high frequency words To explore word relationships because light right those walked children important often group
I am going to read a few pages from “We’re Going on a Picnic.” I’m going to notice the end marks and use my voice to make it sound as if I am talking. Read each page after me, just as I read it.
Objective: To identify the problem in a story and analyze the solution Let’s think back to a story we read earlier, “The Parts of the House Argue.” Let’s see if we can figure out the problem and solution of this story. Remember the problem is what is wrong in the story and the solution is what will fix the problem. PROBLEM The parts argued about which was the most important SOLUTION They agreed that they all were important and stopped arguing
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary to describe ideas
When you seek something, you look for or try to find it. The rabbit will seek his friends when he’s done counting.
If I name something you would like to seek then put your hands over your eyebrows and fill in this sentence with the thing you are seeking. I want to seek ______________. a cute dog a mean person a theater a birthday gift trash yummy food a good friend dirt a new toy
If you are oblivious to something, you do not see it or realize it is happening. The sleeping children are oblivious to their picture being taken
I want you to say “You are oblivious!” if I describe a situation in which someone is not paying attention I said “hello” when the principal walked by. I read my book while a gorilla nibbled at the pages. I pushed the child on the swing when he asked me to. I jogged into a puddle and did not notice that I got wet. I kept teaching even after everyone went home.
When you are indecisive, you cannot make up your mind about something. The man was indecisive about where to go.
I will act out four situations that happened while I was shopping for a hat. If I am being indecisive, you should say, “Be more decisive!” “Hmm. Should I choose red or blue? I just don’t know.” “I like the red hat. I will buy it!” “No wait. Maybe I should get the blue one instead.” “I’m not sure if I even want a hat. Let me see.”
Objective: To identify and use words that describe how people feel. I was surprised when my cousin came to visit. What word describes a feeling? happy angry sad surprised tired worried When did you feel one of these feelings at school?
I feel _______________when I see a ________________________. I am _______________when I see a _________________________.
Objective: To use descriptive words when writing Description of a Memory The sentences describe an experience. The sentences have words that describe feelings. The description helps me form a picture in my mind.