The Role of the Administrator Jenn Lohrberg
Growth What have I learned, and what I have done with it… and what I have done with it…
Can I do the Job of a Principal? What are the things I will do when I become the principal?
Learned… DID… Developing Relationships Staff White Elephant
Learned… DID… Staff Leadership, Systems Management, Instructional Leadership Staff Leadership, Systems Management, Instructional Leadership SAT process presentation
Learned… DID… Staff Leadership, Systems Management Para Interviews
Learned… DID… Systems Management, Developing Relationships, Culture for Learning Systems Management, Developing Relationships, Culture for Learning Discipline Issues
Learned… DID… Systems Management Testing Schedules
Learned… DID… Culture for Learning, Developing Relationships, Professional Ethics and Advocacy HHS Situation
Learned… DID… Vision for Learning, Instructional Leadership, Culture for Learning, Staff Leadership, Developing Relationships ALL SPED Meeting
Learned… DID… Vision for Learning, Staff Leadership AC Presentation
Learned… DID… Vision for Learning, Continuous School Improvement, Culture for Learning, Systems Management Vision for Learning, Continuous School Improvement, Culture for Learning, Systems Management Engagement Committee
Learned… DID… Instructional Leadership, Staff Leadership Instructional Leadership, Staff Leadership Para Evaluations
The most valuable gift a principal can give teachers is confidence. The most valuable gift a teacher can give students is the gift of confidence. Principals need to provide this for themselves. -Todd Whitaker