The Internet Connecting to the World
Browsers zDefinition: A graphic interface program that helps manage the process of locating information on the WWW. zTwo main browsers: yNetscape Navigator (Communicator) yMicrosoft Explorer
Search Engines zDefinition: A software program that goes out on the Web, seeks Web sites, and catalogs them--usually by downloading their home pages.
Popular Search Engines zAlta Vista ( zWeb Crawler zExcite zInfoSeek zYahoo zLycos zMagellen Rated sites - green light sites--no adult content.
More Search Engines zHotBot ( zWWW Worm ( z META Search Sites: yAll4One ( xsearches AltaVista, Lycos, WebCrawler, Yahoo yHighway61 ( xsearches 7 incl. Excite, HotBot, Infoseek, Lycos yMetacrawler( xsearches 9 incl. Excite, Lycos, Open Text, WebCrawler
Terms to Know: zBookmark ysaves URL zFAQ yfrequently asked questions--most important ANSWERS zDownload ycopying files from a remote computer to yours
More Terms to Know: zHit yAddresses listed as a result of a search zUpload ycopying files from your computer to a remote computer zZIP file ycompressed file - usually need to be unzipped to use z Cookie yinformation put on YOUR computer to provide data - makes it easier to access sites
Your Assignment for 1610 z2 options y1. Surfing exercise. Pick 10 items from list. xUse copy/paste in Word or WordPerfect. xFollow instructions carefully please. y2. Advanced exercise. Pick 1 of 3. xCan also use copy/paste. xFollow instructions carefully.