Sra. Lopez
address: Room # 239 Highlands Middle School
RULES TO LIVE BY: 1.Be on time and be prepared for class. 2. Do not interfere with the teaching and learning of others. 3. Speak when the time is appropriate, use proper language, and speak Spanish every day. 4. Be polite and respectful of the teacher, yourself, your classmates, and the school. 5. Always do YOUR BEST
Please be polite, positive and respectful R ESPONSIBLE O RGANIZED A CCEPTING R ESPECTFUL
Rewards if you choose to follow the rules: Daily: Homework-free pass Every Week: Rewards such as stickers, pencils, pens, highlighters, etc. End of Marking period: A surprise gift for the class Every Five Weeks: Class Celebration If you choose to break a rule: First Time: Verbal warning Second Time: Seat Change Third Time: Call to parents Severe Disruptions: Students will be referred to the dean and or principal.
It is important that you complete each homework assignment to the best of your ability. Homework will be given at least three nights a week. Your homework must be completed before you walk into class the day it is due. Another component to homework is studying vocabulary each day for fifteen minutes. This will help you learn the large amount of words necessary to be successful in Spanish Class. Late work will NOT be accepted if you have an unexcused absence. In case of an excused absence, you have one day to complete work in order to receive full credit
The study of a foreign language consists of four main skills: listening, reading, writing, and oral proficiencies. Each of these areas are equally important and will be assessed in a variety of ways. Projects/Assessments % Quizzes % Participation/Classwork % Homework % _____________________________ TOTAL %
All students must have the follow heading on a daily basis. This is the easiest way to receive a good grade for organization. Notebooks will be checked on a bi-weekly basis Nombre: ______________Fecha:__________ Clase:_________________Sra. Lopez Objetivo:_______________________________________ Haga Ahora:_____________________________________
Writing utensils (pencil, pen- blue or black ink ONLY) 1 Highlighter 1 Three inch Binder 12 Count Markers 2 Glue Sticks 1 Box of tissues Classroom Materials
Need Extra Help? Learning another language can be very challenging. Please do yourself a favor and see me as soon as you feel necessary. Please don’t hesitate to make arrangements for extra help. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IN MY CLASSROOM!!