Haja | Sunita
Outline Current Business Model SWOT Analysis Growth Options Strategy Advantages Disadvantages Internship Opportunity Hk is the hottest exchange to get listed in
Business Model Non-profit Organizations Integrate Altruja Fundraising System Promotes Supporters
Business Model Sponsored by : Exist-up grant from the Federal Economics Ministry and the European Social Fund grant over € 94,000 EUR Investors: High-Tech Startup Fund, Bavaria seed funds, business angels Dr. Kirchner and Dr. Ferber Target Customers : Non-profit organizations Revenue: Transaction fees of incoming donations Cost: Operational costs (e.g. salary), enhancing software, Conducting workshops, seminars & lectures
SWOT Analysis Strengths Excellent online presence Healthy Funding Built for customers Very focused ecosystem of services Weaknesses Target market is Germany Reliance on people’s good will Opportunities Expanding to Asian regions Tapping onto resources Lien Centre, http://www.lcsi.smu.edu.sg/ Start Now Pte Ltd, http://www.startnow.sg Threats Other companies, e.g.Crowdrise Lien centre
Growth Options Expanding to Asian regions 590 million people in Southeast Asia Most still in developing stage No online fundraising platform focused on South East Asia Ivan , anne cheng
Strategy Set-up regionalization development team in Singapore Partner with Institutes of Higher Learning to tap onto opportunities and resources available for students Example: Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in SMU Potential SPRING funding
Advantages Anyone including foreigners can set up and operate a business Well regulated economy Foreign companies who setup a Singapore subsidiary company enjoy tax resident status world-class infrastructure Located at the heart of the Asia Pacific region Allows a corporation to be a 100% foreign-owned company http://www.articleclick.com/Article/The-Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-Incorporating-a-Business-in-Singapore/1446994
Disadvantages Foreign businesses with a Singapore branch office are also required to file the audited accounts of their parent company Foreign companies should designate at least one director who is a Singaporean citizen or a holder of Singapore Employment Pass, Entrepass, or Dependent Pass. A general meeting must be held on an annual basis High cost of living http://www.smallbusinessbible.org/advantages_disadvantages_incorporations_singapore.html
Internship scope Market the solution to Singapore market Research and provide roadmap for setting up a regional office in Singapore Market segment Source funding Set-up office Potential partnership with Institute of Higher Learning