By -Alaina Muncy -Cassandra Cantrell Perspective 2730 Instructor Wing lee
Different places to use the internet There are many different places one can use the internet Home School Work Library Café’s More+
Scope of topic USA vs. Mexico Internet use Georgia vs. Florida Internet use
Mexico’s Internet use In % of the population of Mexico were internet users, compared to only 2.7% in 2000 Mexico's search engines include, BHANVAD, BING, ODP, YAHOO! And of course GOOGLEBHANVADBING ODPYAHOO!GOOGLE Most Internet use is in Library's or cafes, not in homes.
America Internet Usage 245,203,319 Internet users as of Dec.31, 2011, 78.3% penetration, ITU.
Method of Usage In America And Age of Users Dial Up 4.3% DSL 34.6% Cable 47.7% Fiber Optic 4.9% Mobile 9.1% Satellite 2.6% Other 1.5% Total Householders 1 119,545 Age years 8, years 18, years 21, years 24, years and over 46,833
Florida’s Internet Use In 2010 about 78.8% of Floridians used the internet There are over 9 million Facebook users in Florida Among the many reasons why people use the internet in Florida, many students go to school on the internet
Georgia's Internet Use In 2010 about 76.5% of Georgians used the Internet There are over 5 million Facebook Users in Georgia Over half of Georgia’s 9,932,505 population uses Facebook.
Conclusion America has more internet users than Mexico Internet Use is more readily available in America than in Mexico In both Georgia and Florida, around ¾ of the population use the internet Facebook is popular in both Georgia and Florida
Sources age.html age.html
Sources #us #us ons/2010.html ons/2010.html # GA # GA in-georgia/ in-georgia/