An overview of the history of healthcare
Providing Basic Health Care in the 1960s (concerns during early independence) More hospitals and clinics started to be built Island-wide Inoculation /vaccination Programme – Tuberculosis, smallpox common – Routine Examination of children in schools Clean-up of Singapore streets – Environmental pollution, indiscriminate littering & improper disposal of rubbish – Deterrents Fines – Public Campaigns
Improving Health Care Services in the 1970s – improvement in economy and better standard of living Specialisation of Medical Services – Plastic & Reconstruction Department at the Singapore General Hospital (1972) Polyclinics replaced outpatient dispensaries – One-stop Health Centres Outpatient Medical Care, Maternal & Child Health Care – Conveniently located all over Singapore Improvement in hospital facilities & quality of healthcare
Healthcare in Singapore How has the approach to manage healthcare changed since the 1980s? – Rising cost – Finite resources Healthcare cost should not put a strain on government spending Healthcare should encourage individual responsibility and community support BUT government should also make healthcare affordable 5
Ageing population means more people require medical services What happens when you are sick? Who will pay for the doctor’s fees/ medicine and further treatments? Not everyone can afford to pay for everything
Why Must the Government Pay for Healthcare? Healthcare is a public good which governments have to provide for the people. Public Good= a good or service that the government provides for society Healthcare is a public good which governments have to provide for the people. Public Good= a good or service that the government provides for society
What role should the government play in managing healthcare? Do you think the government should be helping the public to pay for their healthcare costs? Are you able to afford your bills on your own?
What is the distribution of your CPF? CPF Ordinary Account Special Account Medisave Account
Encouraging self-reliance Medisave Workers put $$ into their own account Used to pay for certain expensive medical bills Usually for short-term healthcare costs What about self-employed workers? Medishield National healthcare insurance scheme Pay for large medical bills which medisave can’t cover Long-term hospitalisation/treatment such as dialysis Medifund (government) Government fund set up to help those who cannot afford Given to public hospitals to provide help for needy patients Apply for it where you are treated
Government Initiatives Means- Testing Restructured Hospitals Government subsidies
What is the role of the Community? Buzz in your groups or with a partner..