Assessment Recording & Reporting Pam Riordan September 2013
Assessment Recording & Reporting Pam Riordan September 2013
Aim: Inform of student assessments Explain the student reports available via the ARR section of the school’s “Gateway” system: UoI (Units of Inquiry) Reports Annual (“Kennedy”) Reports Short Reports
Assessments Formal assessments PIPS in years 1 and 2 (Performance Indicators in Primary Schools) InCAS in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Interactive computerized assessment system) ISA in years 4 and 6 (ESF directed) (International Schools Assessment) Ongoing informal teacher assessments carried out throughout the year Data is analysed to guide planning and teaching and aid tracking student progress
Reports General Information ARR uses a 4-level scoring system: Effort: Inconsistent Good Very Good Outstanding Achievement: Not Applicable Beginning Consolidating Meets Expectations (Previously “Proficient”) Exceeds Expectations (Previously “Advanced”)
UoI Reports We report 3x per year The ‘Central Idea’ at the top of the report is not graded and hence shows ‘Not Applicable’ Baseline assessment criteria statements are added for each line inquiry to explain to parents what this learning may look like. These criteria are graded using a 4-level scoring system
UoI Reports continued… A comment box is used by the teacher to make individual remarks about each child Areas commented on may include: Skills, Attitudes, Action, ICT, Transdisciplinary Learning (Art, DT, Social Studies, Science, English/Maths), School visits / visitors A different 4 level scoring system is used to indicate overall effort A copy of completed UoI reports can be downloaded for any student who is leaving
Annual (Kennedy) Report Published to parents at the end of June Achievement and effort grades are shown for each subject Comments from teachers are reported for General Comment, Maths, English, Chinese, Music, P.E. & Additional Support areas (including IN, LSC and other support programmes such as Springboard, ALS & Social Thinking) Music, P.E. and IN teachers (not Chinese teachers) insert their initials after their text at the bottom of their own comment boxes, e.g. SD
Annual Report continued…
Short Report Kennedy Short Report: Copy ed to parents when students leave Used for leavers up to Easter Used for new students who have arrived after Easter Includes comment and effort scores for Maths, English, Chinese and Additional Info (e.g. IN)
Short Report
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports All reports can be viewed, printed or saved in PDF format
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… If you have never logged in to the Gateway before you will first need to enter the date of birth of your child, or children, to confirm your account
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Click “Confirm this is my child”:
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Give yourself a new password…
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… For all parents, if this is the first time you’ve logged-on to the Gateway this year, you will need to verify your family and child’s information:
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… One more important step! Please confirm you wish to receive communication messages from the school:
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… …and you will be back on the home page.
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Choose ARR and then ARR Report
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Saving and printing Click the printing tab to see reports relevant to parents The subjects listed here are not all reports that can be viewed by parents – some are markbooks kept by the teachers. To see those reports relevant to parents please click on the “Printing” tab:
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Select year and student name.
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Select Unit of Inquiry - Term 1 (for Christmas - Units 1 & 2), Term 2 (for Easter - Units 3 & 4), Term 3 (for Summer - Units 5 & 6). Select Kennedy Report for Student Annual Report in June. Select Unit of Inquiry - Term 1 (for Christmas - Units 1 & 2), Term 2 (for Easter - Units 3 & 4), Term 3 (for Summer - Units 5 & 6). Select Kennedy Report for Student Annual Report in June. Click Print to create a pdf version of the report which you can then save and print if you choose to.
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… You should see something like this…
Viewing, Saving and Printing Reports continued… Problems That May Occur… A blank browser window opens or you are asked to save / open a file which your PC can’t open: Since the reports are generated in PDF format, PDF reader software must be installed on your computer. Google Chrome and the latest version of Firefox include a PDF reader built-in Problems can often be solved by upgrading your browser to the current version or trying a different browser
Other problems…? The school’s IT department will be happy to help – please them at: THANK YOU!