Art 1 Ms. Abrams
Syllabus Syllabus: Art I 1 credit Instructor: Ms. Abrams Room: S156 (Please visit this website for sketchbook assignments, project handouts, grading rubrics, upcoming due dates as well as student art gallery.) IF YOU ARE ABSENT YOU MUST CHECK THE SITE BEFORE YOU COME BACK TO CLASS! Great Expectations Welcome to the Art Room! First order of business is to RELAX! You are in Art One to learn. I do not expect you to be a Leonardo when you walk in the door. I realize that some of you may never have had an art class and I’m glad that you have decided to try something new. This Year we will be working with the question: How do artists use the Elements of Design to create mood or emotion? All of our units of study will revolve around this question.
I EXPECT: Amazing things from each of my students Creativity, diligence, expressiveness, exploration, struggle, frustration, determination, commitment You to come to class…on time You to participate in class You to take responsibility for your work – make-up work that is missed, work outside of class The best you can give each day. Some days are better than others. Let me know when things are difficult. I will do my best to help. You to clean up your messes, and yes….sometimes messes that are not yours Respect of other people and their property, including the art room’s Silence from the rest of the class when I am talking, or another is talking No cell phones No lining up at the door before the bell rings Discussions to be appropriate. Language and attitude that is respectful of all races, creeds, religions, colors, sexes, national origins, disabilities and sexual orientation
Points, Requirements and Grading Grades will be based on a traditional grading scale: %-A, 80-89%-B, 70-79%-C, %-D Your grade will be based on unit projects, quizzes and in class tasks and sketchbook assignments. Unit projects are worth the most points. In addition to the course hours in the classroom, the students are expected to complete work outside of class. Activities possibly will include: homework, projects, readings, etc.) To receive points, students must fill out an evaluation form and turn it in with the project on the due date. INCOMPLETE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. If a student wishes to improve his/her score they may rework the piece and resubmit it before the end of the grading period. Notes: Students are expected to take notes on vocabulary, artwork, artists, art movements and styles during presentations and demonstrations. Art is a unique class in that there is no textbook. When a class is missed so is instruction that you can’t get anywhere else. Techniques and valuable skills are offered in class making attendance a vital element for success. Tests: There will be unit quizzes and a semester final. Writing Assignments: Students will be provided with various short writing assignments on a regular basis. Critiques: Students are expected to participate in class critiques. Points will be awarded to student according to his/her participation.
How we operate…. Food: Yes, as long as you clean up after yourself and it does not destroy art work. Music: Yes, IF the play button is up. If your music is on your phone it must be in plane mode. If someone does not respect the play button the ENTIRE class will lose music privileges. Storage: Each class will have its own storage drawer, sketchbook bin and pencil bin labeled with your class’ ‘mascot’. Supplies: Want to see an art teacher go ballistic on you? Disrespect her room and supplies. Bathroom: Magic wand, write your name on the white board. One person out at a time, no longer than 5 minutes. Absences: You must look at the website BEFORE you come back!
Come into class appropriately, get your sketchbook out. All supplies you will need will always be out on the demo table or your table. Put bag under your table and cell phones off and away. YOU ARE NOW READY TO CREATE! Warm up/Sketchbooks: In the beginning of class you will have a Warm up in your sketchbook. The Meat: will depend on the class and what we are focusing on. Varying between group work, independent project time, class discussion, and some free art time. Ticket out/Clean up: last minutes of class-- you will not be dismissed until all materials are put away and everyone is in their seat. A Day in the Life of Art Class
ART IN YOUR POCKET Artist Trading Cards Artist trading cards are miniature works of art, always 2 ½” x 3 ½” and are meant to be given away or traded. They can be made with any media, materials or techniques and fit into a trading card plastic sleeve. They can be produced as one of a kind originals, in limited editions, or in a series based on a theme. Artist trading cards are never sold, only traded
Some Examples…..
Your Assignment: Create an autobiographical artist card that visually shows you and your personality. – Things you like, sports you play, hobbies, culture, etc. On the back answer the following questions: – Name & Grade – Favorite subject – Goal for this year – Pet peeves – Where do you see yourself in 10 years.
Requirements Use marker, pencil, collage, whatever materials you want to cover the ENTIRE front side of your card. The imagery should reflect YOU! Answer the questions on the back. Turn into the correct orange box.