OPEN DAYS 2008 Brussels, 07 October 2008 Effective Regional Strategies and Policies for open innovation
GRUPO SODERCAN: Innovation and Business Development Division Innovation and Business Development New Businesses Advanced Services Innovation R&D INTERNATIO NALIZATION ICT Information Society Industrial Estates CEO Administration Technology Centers CLIENT Finance
Factors against closed innovation models Mobility and availability of highly educated people is increasing Knowledge flows between organizations and companies (talented and experienced people changing jobs) More and more support schemes to develop ideas and technologies outside the organizations or closed circuits (venture capital, spin-offs, licensing, etc) The new model of open innovation Organizations can no longer rely entirely on their own research and should instead profit from third parties IP Internal knowledge should be taken outside the organizations so they can profit from third parties use of innovating processes Innovation: from closed to open models
Triple Helix described as model for understanding and guiding interactions in university-industry-government relations. Each actor had currently its own tasks: universities produced research, industries manufactured and governments secured a stability framework for interaction and exchange. Triple Helix approach has evolved from more conservative co-operation models (often discouraging novel innovations) to integrated models supporting would- be innovators. Open innovation and Triple Helix integrated models should perfectly interact to support innovation, creativity and experimentation. Triple Helix and Open innovation
Mission: Becoming a driving force of the regional innovation system by supporting start-up and development of science and technology intensive companies, while creating an adequate environment for a Triple Helix and open innovation model. Surface: m2 (buildings m2) Tenants: Technology based companies Technology Center (CTC) Institute of Biotechnology Institute of Hydraulic Engineering PCTCAN: Cantabria Science and Technology Park
PCTCAN: Cantabria Science and Technology Park (II) Infrastructure services Communications network Parking and security Office back up services Meeting rooms and auditorium Restaurant and cafeteria Leisure and sports Advanced services Business incubator Business consultancy Finance services Cooperation networks Technology transfer services Specialized training
Promoting technology based companies (TBCs): The “technological franchise” model SEED CAPITAL Private companies UC Research Groups Technological Franchise Model TECHNOLOGY RISK CAPITAL Public and private risk capital funds time Model SCIENTIFIC COMMITEE CONCEPT CAPITAL
PHASE OF CONCEPT CAPITAL Analysis of ideas and technologies arising out of research projects or other sources of knowledge at the UC (University Cantabria) Assessment of ideas carried out by Scientific Committees established for this purpose (pre-feasibility analysis) Selection of those ideas with scientific and technological content linked to an entrepreneurial project Pre-incubation of the idea (public support and expressions of interest from the business community Promoting technology based companies (TBCs): The “technological franchise” model
PHASE OF SEED CAPITAL Technological Franchise Model Organizational model being franchised for the scientist/technologist to turn his/her selected idea into a new TBC Cooperation framework with the private investor (shares, licensing, organizational chart, management responsibilities, legal status, IPR, etc) Full assistance for drafting a sound Business Plan Seed capital and project finance A specific cooperation agreement for every initiative or project Additional public and private funding if and when required (risk capital) Promoting technology based companies (TBCs): The “technological franchise” model
1.Fully integrated models of cooperation (university-industry-government) are needed to enhance the regional innovation system 2.There is to improve the regional economy by bringing together knowledge and research with entities that can bring those ideas to market 3.Scientist and technological knowledge must be combined with business experience and management skills 4.Setting up ad hoc structures and frameworks for public-private partnerships have proved successful to secure the feasibility of TBCs 5.Adequate infrastructures are likewise required to promote and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology in open innovation environments Closing remarks
PÁGINA 11 Jose Luis Sánchez Director of Innovation and Business Development