CONGRATULATIONS! Every journey begins with a step, and you have taken the most important one! You are now a part of something huge. TODAY I want to stretch your vision! For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Why is WFG for you? Over 8,000 financial broker/dealers in the U.S. today WFG started in 1992 as number 8,000 We are now in the top 7 financial broker/dealers in the country We have accomplished more than companies that are decades old For Internal Training Purposes Only
Have you ever received a call from a financial broker/dealer? 95% of the wealth is controlled by 5% of the population The rest of us are left to struggle for the remaining 5% of the money Most financial b/d focus on the first group WFG is different, we focus on middle America where the help is needed For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only We hold our seminars… To reach out to the public Most people will never call the number in an advertisement We are on a crusade to make a difference For Internal Training Purposes Only
5 Revolutions Taking Place… …and shaping business today
The INVESTMENT Revolution
3 Ways to Invest Your Money Taxable Taxed every period Tax Deferred Taxed at back end Tax Advantaged Not taxed or “Tax Free” For Internal Training Purposes Only
The Impact on Your Future Taxable $1 Doubled 20 times 33% every double Tax Deferred 50% at the end Advantaged None $28,466 $534,288 $1,048,576 Too many people retire in poverty, due to a lack of financial education and planning. For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only The focus has shifted It used to be a better product = more money Today more outlets = more money It is a simple formula, the more product you sell the more money you make A perfect example is McDonald’s A new McDonald’s is opened every 17 hours For Internal Training Purposes Only
The MARKETING Revolution
Traditional Marketing Set up the business Consumers have to come to you High overhead costs Limited time and income Business only makes money when it is open and running Consumer Business For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Franchise Marketing Pay the franchise fee Set up the business High overhead costs Limited time and income Business only makes money when it is open and running Turnkey system More outlets = more business For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only McDonald’s Mastered the franchise system Their product is available almost every place in the world Lion King video sales beat all other retailers combined for 3 weeks Have you ever wondered why McDonald’s doesn’t sell onion rings? For Internal Training Purposes Only
WFG Relationship Marketing Unlimited time No overhead costs Unlimited distribution Unlimited income Make money even when you are not working Turnkey system For Internal Training Purposes Only
WFG Relationship Marketing Take the distribution model further Take the product to the consumer Personal approach / power of a financial giant For Internal Training Purposes Only
Our INDUSTRY Revolution
For Internal Training Purposes Only Making a Change WFG has revolutionized the way the financial industry conducts business WFG applies a networking concept to the nightmare of the corporate structure You will probably run into people with questions… For Internal Training Purposes Only
Is WFG a pyramid/multi-level? What is a pyramid? Corporations are multi-level Managers on top of managers, with a CEO at the top The sandwich situation WFG has shattered that idea - everyone can rise to the top For Internal Training Purposes Only
Traditional Broker Dealers B/D Role 90% contract level, 10% for advertising Recruit agents for his office New agent contract = 50% Receive overrides Teach agents only enough to make sales For Internal Training Purposes Only
Traditional Broker Dealers Agent Role Captive and limited Sell clients into products Meet quotas and avoid caps No recruiting = no overrides Open own office = start from scratch For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only The WFG Difference Associate Role 25% - 45% contract level Recruit agents for his office Provide an array of product to fit any client No quotas or caps Receive overrides at higher contract levels Become MD with a team in place For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only The WFG Difference MD Role 70% contract level + bonuses + stock options Recruits associates for his office Teaches associates everything to become MD Facilitates associates’ needs Leads by example For Internal Training Purposes Only
REVOLUTION # 5 The WEALTH Revolution
For Internal Training Purposes Only Robert Kiosaki A degree = a J.O.B. Journey Of the Broke Licenses = business Financial freedom For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Here vs. There Real wealth is being able to do whatever you want whenever you want! A business owner or investor can because Their business works for them Their money works for them Not the other way around! For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Here vs. There Job consistent income, then none someone else determines your income WFG Continual growth, then passive income Your work ethic/dedication determines your income For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Compensation Title Contract Avg. Month Avg. Year Training Associate 25% $4,000 $48,000 A 35% $5,600 $67,000 SA 45% $7,200 $86,000 SMD 70% $11,200 $134,000 For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Compensation Ways to get paid Commission + Renewals + Trails Spread + Override Stock Options + Bonuses Awards + Travel Get paid for work you did years ago This is a business, not a job For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only Licensing STATE Life and Disability Insurance License State Department of Insurance FEDERAL Series 6 Series 63 NASD/SEC For Internal Training Purposes Only
For Internal Training Purposes Only CONGRATULATIONS! For Internal Training Purposes Only