Oklahoma Strategic Highway Safety Plan – Vision, Mission and Goal presented to SHSP Leadership Group SHSP Working Group presented by Susan Herbel, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK February 21, 2006
McDonalds Vision and Mission Vision The McDonald's System leverages the unique talents, strengths, and assets of our diversity around the globe in order to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat. Mission Promote Diversity and Inclusion among our Employees, Owner/Operator's, and Suppliers who represent the diverse populations McDonald's serves around the globe.
SHSP Vision Statement Examples Louisiana Louisiana travelers arrive safely at their destinations. Florida To provide a safer surface transportation system for residents, businesses, and visitors.
Oklahoma SHSP Vision Statement
Mission Statement Examples Illinois Develop, implement, and manage an integrated multi-stakeholder process to improve the attributes of roads, users, and vehicles to reduce traffic-related deaths and life-altering injuries in Illinois. Michigan Provide leadership to improve traffic safety by fostering communication, coordination, and collaboration among government and other public and private entities in Michigan.
Oklahoma SHSP Mission Statement
SHSP Goal AASHTO goal of no more than 1 fatality per 100 million vehicle miles of travel A 20 percent reduction from where you are now A reduction in the rate A reduction in the numbers One death is one too many – zero
Oklahoma SHSP Goal
AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Areas Drivers Young Unlicensed/suspended/ revoked drivers Older Aggressive Impaired Distracted/fatigued Seat belt use Speed Special users Pedestrians Bicyclists Vehicles Motorcycles Heavy trucks
AASHTO SHSP Emphasis Areas (continued) Highways Trees Run off the road Horizontal curves Utility poles Unsignalized intersections Head-on collisions Head-on crashes on freeways Work zones EMS Rural emergency medical services Management Data Integrated safety management process
Emphasis Area Selection Where does Oklahoma fall below the national average? Where have there been significant increases in the last several years? Where has the level of fatalities and injuries reached a plateau? Loss of Life: What is the extent and cost of loss of life related to this emphasis Serious Injuries: What is the extent and cost of serious injury related to this emphasis area?
Emphasis Area Selection Data Availability: Are there enough reliable data available to accurately identify, prioritize, and articulate the problem? Impact: Will strategies in this area be effective, i.e., will they significantly reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries? Cost Is the cost prohibitive? Will the investment impact safety? Do we know the cost/benefit ratio?
Emphasis Area Selection Feasibility Ownership of the issue Resources and tools? Public support? Technical expertise?
Voting Procedures Each person has 12 colored dots Place dot on emphasis areas you feel are most important No more than 5 dots on any one emphasis area Must use all 12 dots