Samuel Steel Safety Group Meeting Two May 15, 2014 Samuel Safety Systems
Agenda Samuel Safety Systems Whereabouts of Washrooms & Exits 2014 Group Element “Guarding” Guest Speaker “Guarding” – Kevin Clark from Ancam SSSG Report Card Progress Report Number One Safety Group 2015 Update 2013 Safety Group Audits MOL Blitz and Guarding Targets
Samuel Safety Systems 2014 Group Element Machine Guarding
Welcome Kevin Clark Samuel Safety Systems
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Samuel Steel Safety Group Legislative Review Relative to Industrial Safety Safety Systems Upgrades and Integrations 2014 Review SAMUEL SON & COMPANY LIMITED
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: TOPIC OUTLINE MAY 15, 2014 Compliance requirements – update on code / legal items Turnkey Safety Integrations – the whole process Risk / Hazard Assessment Safety System / Process Functional descriptions – specification documentation Design, fabrication assembly and shop testing Site Integration and acceptance testing Compliance documentation and sign off The objective of today is to transfer high level information to ensure you can identify areas of your operations that require modifications in order to achieve compliance / conformance
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Risk Assessment – Process Defined Functional Relationships for Plant Safety/Compliance of your plant Government: Federal Bill C45 – 10 years old this year – lawyers say “under utilized” MOL: Ontario Ministry of Labour inspectors in ON – not “value add” OHSA: Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act – enforced by the MOL Approved Bodies & Recognized Agencies: CSA: Canadian Standards Association – recommended practices revised 2010 ANSI: American National Standards Institute OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US Federal Agency) UL: Underwriter’s Laboratory RIA: Robotics Industries Association Corporate Resources: Samuel corporate engineering group Vendors, suppliers and others
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Challenges of Compliance 2014
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Risk Assessment – Process Defined High Hazard Low Hazard Medium Hazard Elimination of Hazard Substitution away from Hazard Engineering Controls Awareness Means Training and Procedures PPE A strategy for safeguarding of machinery and processes involves:
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Risk Assessment – Process Defined A strategy for safeguarding of machinery and processes involves: Hazard Reduction Hazard reduction is an iterative process to remove the worker from a hazardous situation; by reducing the severity, frequency and probability of endangering the health and safety of the worker A hazard assessment is: A tool for planning A tool for communication A tool for employee involvement with changes and training The basis of a Prestart Health and Safety Review (PSR)
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Functional Description - Defined FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS OR OPERATION Functional Description – The functional description of a safety system is the key starting point in providing the basis on how the system is to operate. The functional description includes all the safety system details necessary to complete the safety system design review (can include drawings/schematics). The functional description will include all necessary points for operations personnel to completely understand how the system is to operate (interlocks, hold to run, reduced speed jog, presence sensing devices, etc). The functional description may be supplemented with other interlocking tables, charts, guard plans, etc in order to clearly define how the system is planned to function.
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Functional Description - Defined FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS OR OPERATION – Cont’d Defines how the machine/process needs to operate when upgrades are complete and the basis of the upgrade design Speed, throughput, sequence Define operator interface points and how to control the device through the new safety system Define new protocols and procedures – identifies SOP’s to be changed Defines how to set up machine / changeover protocols Defines jog speeds and interlocks at access points and other important design considerations Defines the Bill of Materials for required components to allow detailed and accurate cost estimates
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Shop Assembly and Testing Shop Assembly and Testing Considerations Shop testing is necessary in order to ensure that the installed system and components performs according to the intended design. This is a method to reduce any downtime issues caused by wiring or connection errors Understanding of hardware configuration, setup and other system performance items
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Site Integration Site Integration Considerations Integration plans must have detailed installation instructions that reflect the design package Integration plans must outline physical guarding installation details, conduits and interconnecting cables, safety I/O junction boxes, operator stations, etc. Integration plans must account for operations - scheduling downtime and interrupting production schedules needs to be a consideration
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Acceptance Testing Commissioning and Turnover Documentation Considerations Acceptance testing: Functional testing is a method of demonstrating the installation conforms with the designs. It verifies the safety system function – when a safety system is breached, the machine motion stops as planned. This test includes redundancy testing to demonstrate all channels of a complex system are functional. Redundancy testing includes shorting of channels, opening one of the channels, simulating interfacing relay and contactor monitoring faults, etc. Operating instructions: All existing operating instructions require modifications and re-training before the safety upgrade is completed.
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Compliance Documentation & Sign off Commissioning and Turnover Documentation Considerations As built drawings should be included Stop time calculations and other necessary supporting information to be provided for inclusion in the PSR document Operator training for new SOPs, instructions are to be acknowledged and sign off is to be included in PSR document
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Example – Reduced Speed Monitoring A steel process line requires operator interface to thread material through the line prior to setting to line run mode. Jog controls are permitted with the guards opened to the point where material is detected. MSR57 speed monitoring relay and associated encoders monitor the drive speeds and shutdown in the event of an over-speed situation. Jog speeds are set to ensure that the machine and material stops in the appropriate time. Speeds are recorded in the PSR documentation.
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Example – Programmable Zone Control A steel process line requires certain equipment to function to permit the removal of processed material from the exit end of the line, while the raw material is being fed into the line and set up for the next production run. A product detect light curtain is installed to detect the presence of material. Material is loaded into the line and threaded per the reduce speed jog controls. Guards can be opened at the exit end of the line (zone 2)and equipment jogged remove the from the process line. Once the material is detected, all guards must be closed and operated in either manual or automatic mode with the safety system reset.
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Example – Programmable Zone Control
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Example – Programmable Zone Control
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Remote Enabling Machine Operation System A roll forming line required reduced speed control of the rolls to allow operations personnel to operate the rolls and clean of burrs and other marks that affect the product quality. A tool was developed to permit the line to operate at a reduced speed (reducing stop time). This required machine interlock control revisions (key switches, PSR notes, etc.) The tool has provisions to enable the jog functions of the line – a rated hold to run switch. Pneumatic controls are also included in the tool to allow the operation of a die grinder.
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Case Study – 2 Roll Cleaning Tool
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: The Workplace Bottom Line Bottom Line for Compliance with Section 7 of OHSA: CSA (and other 3 rd party groups) write standards to assist companies with adoption into the workplace Companies must conform to Codes and Regulations; The workplace is governed by applicable Codes and Regulations The MOL enforces compliance with Codes and Regulations You are responsible to achieve compliance in your workplace
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Ancam Solutions Company Ltd. ANCAM SOLUTIONS COMPANY LTD. – Who are We? What do we do? Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil / Structural Engineering for Industries ranging from mining and heavy industrial to recreation areas – we cover many bases and bring from to others as required. Industrial Integrations and Fabrications – ACS upgrades, Safety Control Systems integrations, Machinery Guarding – guard plans, arrangements and installations – one of the only true turnkey – Start to Service providers Safety Engineering, Specialized Safety Systems and Hazard Identification and Hazard Management Services, Life Safety audits and other services in this broad field Training, Work Instructions, LOTO Instructions, Confined Space, working at heights and anchor systems, - all areas of compliance requirements for your operations
MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING - INTEGRATION HEAD OFFICE: D8 – 1173 North Service Road West, Oakville Ontario L6M 2V9, Tel: , Fax: REGIONAL OFFICES: Collingwood & Timmins, ON, Calgary, AB, New Westminster, BC Tel: Questions and Wrap Up
Samuel Safety Systems As of April
Core Program Progress Report Who has all standards set? Who is having trouble getting started? Samuel Safety Systems
ACTION PLAN PROGRESS #1 PROGRESS #2 YEAR END REPORTS: YR END ACHIEVEMENT Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Program Year Meeting #3 Orientation Meeting #1 Meeting #2Meeting # Core Program Implement 2014 Action Plan: Complete the “5-Step Management System” for 5 elements 2014 Safety Group Application
2014 Advantage Program All firms in the advantage program should have their Health Safety Management System (HSMS) completed or have it scheduled in the near future Samuel Safety Systems
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2014 ACTION PLAN DUE: FEB 28/ ADVANTAGE APPLICATION DUE: DEC 14/13 PROGRESS REPORT 1 DUE: SPRING PROGRESS REPORT 2 DUE: FALL YEAR END REPORTING & CHECKLIST DUE: DEC 15/ Advantage Program Timeline Guide ACTIONS: Orientation Leadership Intro Auditor Training Meeting #3 Complete Intro Auditor Training or verify training qualifications Submit completed HSMS Audit Report to Mgmt Create written Standard for HSMS Audit Mgmt develops Continual Improvement Plan Mgmt initiates Continual Improvement Plan Commence HSMS Audit MEETINGS: REPORTING: Meeting #4Meeting #5 *** Progress Visits ***
2013 Safety Group Audits Samuel Strapping is tentatively scheduled for July 3 rd or 4 th Congratulations to: Samuel Safety Systems
Safety Group 2015 Hi there, hope everyone's well and getting ready for what I hope is a warm Spring and Summer. I know you're all anxious for a decision regarding the continuation of the Safety Group Program in We are currently looking at the Safety Groups Program for 2015 in consultation with the Chief Prevention Officer and we are hopeful in announcing our intentions once the issue is discussed and a decision is rendered by our Board of Directors. We recognize the effort involved in supporting the program as a sponsor and the need to consider resourcing/business planning for 2015 and will endeavor to advise you as soon as possible. Matt Wilson, Director, Prevention Samuel Safety Systems
2014 MOL Inspection Blitz Samuel Safety Systems New and Young WorkersMay – August 2014 Material HandlingSeptember 15 – October 26, 2014 Machine GuardingNovember 3 – December 14, 2014 Slips, Trips and Falls February 2 – March 15, 2015
Next Meeting Date August 21, 2014 Progress Report Number Two is Due Samuel Safety Systems
Think Safety Samuel Safety Systems