PI-ProcessBook Developer Chris Coen Brian Bostwick
Overview PI-ActiveView PI-ProcessBook Object Model Batch Trend and SQC Chart Developing for ProcessBook
PI-ActiveView ActiveX Control Use in and develop with MS Internet Explorer MS FrontPage Visual Basic MS Office
PI-ActiveView Scripting Locally configure the PI Server settings PBD.ServerIniUrl Change the Display PBD.DisplayURL Wait for the ready state, pbReadyStateComplete Access the Display object model Performance can be improved by scripting a given display rather than calling up a new one. Note that the last 5 displays that are cached on the client.
Deploying PI-ActiveView Setup kit or Cab files Build Cabs with the CabWizard Collects the modules to deploy ActiveView Includes necessary PI Server information Stamps with your digital signature Includes additional components
ActiveView Examples Samples installed with the product Additional Samples on product CD or OSISoft.com The HTML produced by Export.pdi
Overview PI-ActiveView PI-ProcessBook Object Model Batch Trend and SQC Chart Developing for ProcessBook
New with PI-ProcessBook 2.1 Various automation fixes No more display flickering The Trend includes a Format Object Create trends with zero traces Tag Access, Multistate objects
Batch Trend 2.1 Run time Enumerate LiveBatches and their associated Traces Manipulate Cursors and view Time, Value and Batch information Events Mouse events DataUpdate(Batch and Trace) BatchComplete(Batch)
Batch Trend 2.1 Configuration Access configuration by Get/SetDefinition Configure FixedBatches Set the Query for batches Add/remove Tags and Aliases Configure the Time settings Adjust the trend’s formatting
SQC Chart 1.2 (Coming Soon) Access configuration by Get/SetDefinition Set the Chart Tag and Chart Type Full control of the sampling parameters View and configure the control limits View and configure Alarm settings
Overview PI-ActiveView PI-ProcessBook Object Model Batch Trend and SQC Chart Developing for ProcessBook
Working with Symbols Configure an object using its Properties and Methods Respond to and object’s Events Code Demo
What just happened? How to change a batch trend’s fixed batches Reusable UI with the BatchView Control Reusable code with the BatchView Object Use the same script for two trends Easy to add feature to other trends because the code is partitioned But . . . What if I have 100 trends?
Dim WithEvents <varname> as <object type> Scripting events for object references Dim WithEvents <varname> as <object type> Write code for a class of objects Code Demo
What just happened? Dim a global variable WithEvents Set the variable reference on selection to attach the event handler code One set of code is used for all trends in the display, even new ones But . . . What if I have 100 Displays?
Add-ins Based upon the COM interfaces Extensibility Supported by PI-ProcessBook 2.1 PI-ActiveView 2.1 Visual Studio Office 2000 Develop Add-ins using VB, VC++, VBA (and ODE)
ProcessBook Add-ins Add features to the application Develop code that works for any display Change the feature set for a symbol Characterize a new symbol Code Demo
What just happened? Create and Add-in for PI-ProcessBook Track the active Display Track the selected Trend and select Fixedbatches Build, run and debug This project creates an ActiveX Dll
Custom Datasets A special type of Add-in Extends Datasets for PB and AV Historical with real time updates Data is transferred via ADO Recordsets Includes custom UI for configuration “What is he talking about . . .?”
Review “Hey, works on my machine!” Code for a Single symbol characterizes that symbol Code for a Single Display glues together an applet Use ActiveX Controls chunks of reusable UI Use ActiveX DLL’s shared code and functionality PI-ProcessBook Add-in, new features to ProcessBook “Hey, works on my machine!”
(Tip: Add-ins need MSADDNDR.DLL) Deployment The Package and Deployment Wizard Steps through building a setup kit Displays, use ODE packaging tool Add-ins, use the VB utility Controls may need licensing (Tip: Add-ins need MSADDNDR.DLL)
Resources OSI Developers Network Custom Datasets white paper and sample, download from OSISoft.com VBA Developer’s Handbook by Getz and Gilbert MS Office Developer Magazine MSDN.microsoft.com
Chris Coen Brian Bostwick Thanks Chris Coen Brian Bostwick