0 Internal Novation Combinations DB AG (LEMG) ) Intra Entity - Original Trade is DB AG (LEMG) v DB AG (Flow). Action DB AG (LEMG) assign to BOA DB AG (Flow) 6151 DB AG (LEMG) 6151 SO DB AG (Flow) 6151 RP BOA SI Fee 1.0 Internal Trade – No paper nor DTCC message 1.1 External Trade needs legal confirm Tri Party Novation DB AG (LEMG) SO DB AG (Flow) RP BOA (SI) DB AG (QVT) ) Inter Entity - Original Trade is DB AG (QVT) v DB AG (Flow). Action DB AG (QVT) assign to BOA DB AG (Flow) 6151 DB AG (QVT) 7714 SO DB AG (Flow) 6151 RP BOA SI Fee Internal Trade – No paper nor DTCC message 2.1 External Trade needs legal confirm Tri Party Novation DB AG (QVT) SO DB AG (Flow) RP BOA (SI) Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes
1 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… DB AG (LEMG) 6151 BOA DB AG (LEMG) 6151 SO BOA RP DB AG (Flow) 6151 SI Fee 3) Intra Entity : Original Trade is DB AG (LEMG) v BOA. Action DB AG (LEMG) assign to DB AG (Flow) 3.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 3.1 Do not need to legally confirm but need to keep Warehouse Gold No novation due to Step In Party being same legal entity to Step Out (and no change in settlement instructions). Instead internal rebook, no request for consent but use TRI Rename functionality DB AG (QVT) 7714 BOA DB AG (QVT) 7714 SO BOA RP DB AG (Flow) 6151 SI Fee 4) Inter Entity Original Trade is DB AG (QVT) v BOA. Action DB AG (QVT) assign to DB AG (Flow) 4.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 4.1 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold. Request for Consent and Tri Party Novation. DB AG (QVT) SO BOA RP DB AG (Flow) SI Novation Protocol: No Notification: No DTCC Assignment Confirmable: No TRI Rename Functionality: Yes Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes
2 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… BOA 5) Intra Entity - Original Trade is BOA v DB AG (LEMG). Action BOA assign to DB AG (Flow) DB AG (LEMG) 6151 BOA SO DB AG (LEMG) 6151 RP DB AG (Flow) 6151 SI Fee 5.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 5. 1 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold BOA SO DB AG (LEMG) RP DB AG (Flow) SI BOA 6) Inter Entity - Original Trade is BOA v DB AG (QVT). Action BOA assign to DB AG (Flow) DB AG (QVT) 7714 BOA SO DB AG (QVT) 7714 RP DB AG (Flow) 6151 SI Fee 6.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 6. 1 Need to and keep Warehouse Gold Tri Party Novation. BOA SO DB AG (QVT) RP DB AG (Flow) SI Novation Protocol: No Notification: No DTCC Termination Confirmable: Yes Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes
3 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… 7.0 MS – Client Trade gets terminated in DTCC 7.2 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold MS PB SO MS Flow SI GS RP MS (PB) Client 7) Internal PB Step our Model - Original Trade is GS Executing Broker (EB) MS Prime Broker (PB) v Client. Action MS (PB) Client assign to MS Flow (assume MS want to remain in the trade and have the same Participant ID) GS (EB) MS (PB) SO Client GS (RP) 7.2 MS (Flow) SI Fee MS (PB) Client 8) Prime Brokerage Step Out Party Model - Original Trade is GS Executing Broker (EB) MS Prime Broker (PB) v Client. Action Client assign to DB AG GS (EB) MS (PB) SO Client GS (EB) RP 8.2 DB SI Fee 8.0 and External Trades: Paper or DTCC confirm 8.2 Need to legally confirm and keep Warehouse Gold MS (PB) SO DB SI GS (EB) RP And MS (PB) Terminate their Client leg. Give Up Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes Novation Protocol: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes
4 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… 7.0 GS – Client Trade gets terminated in DTCC 7.2 GS PB assigns the position to MS PB and creates an internal trade – MS PB vs MS flow GS PB SO MS PB SI MS Flow RP GS (PB) Client 7a) Internal PB Step out Model - Original Trade is MS Executing Broker (EB) GS Prime Broker (PB) v Client. Action GS (PB) Client assign to MS PB (SI) client to face MS Flow (RP) MS (Flow) (EB) 7.0a 7.1a GS (PB) SO MS (Flow) (RP) 7.2 MS (PB) SI Fee Give Up Novation Protocol: No Notification: No DTCC Assignment Confirmable: No TRI Rename Functionality: Yes
5 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… 9.0 DB – Client Trade gets terminated in DTCC 9.1 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold 9.2 External Trade need legal confirm Tri Party Novation DB (PB) SO DB (Flow) RP BOA SI DB (PB) Client 9) DB Prime Brokerage Step Out Party Model – Original Trade is DB Flow (EB) DB Prime Broker (PB) v Client. Action Client assign to BOA DB Flow (EB) DB (PB) SO Client DB Flow (RP) 9.2 BOA SI Fee Give Up Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes Internal Deal
6 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… 10.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 10.1 and 10.2 Client SO GS Capital Markets RP/SO GS International SI DB AG SI/RP GS Capital Mkts Client SO GS Capital Mkts RP/SO GS International SI Fee 10) Original Trade is GS International v Client. Action Client assign to DB AG DB AG SI/RP Novation Protocol: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes
7 Internal Novation Combinations LEH (GPS) ) Intra Entity - Original Trade is LEH (GPS) v LEH (Flow). Action LEH (GPS) Partially assigns to BOA LEH (Flow) 6171 LEH (GPS) 6171 SO LEH (Flow) 6171 RP BOA SI Fee 11.0 Internal Trade – No paper nor DTCC message 11.1 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold Outside Partial Novation RP – LEH (FLOW) SI – BOA SO – LEH (GPS) Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes Partial Assignment
8 Internal Novation Combinations ctd… LEH (GPS) 6171 BOA LEH (GPS) 6171 SO BOA RP LEH (Flow) 6171 SI Fee 12) Intra Entity : Original Trade is LEH (GPS) v BOA. Action LEH (GPS) Partially assigns to LEH (Flow) 12.0 External Trade: Paper or DTCC confirm 12.1 Need to confirm and keep Warehouse Gold RP: BOA SI: LEH (Flow) SO: LEH (GPS) Notification: Yes DTCC Assignment Confirmable: Yes Partial Assignment