Margaret (Peg) Potter Open Forum: Director of Graduate Studies/Chair, IRB
School Psychologists Support staff who help educators make school work better for students (individually and collectively) Through— Ability to effectively consult and collaborate with others Skills in assessment and data interpretation Knowledge of best practices in education Knowledge of individual differences & diversity Understanding of how educational systems operate Ability to work with resources inside and outside of the school Knowledge of relevant legal & ethical policies/procedures
One Vision of Graduate Education at MSU Moorhead…
Evolution: Long-term & Short-term
Goal Graduate Studies viewed as an Integral part of the university-- Not as an Addendum to the Undergraduate mission.
Audiences Internal Visibility Awareness Inclusion Valued External Visibility Respected Valued Transformative
The Internal audience….
Who is missing on “You can pay it forward….”?
Who’s missing on the list of Academic Majors? MSUM Viewbook 2015
Before we can truly be visible to our external audiences, we need to be visible within the university. Why should the rest of the university care about Graduate programs?
Evolution of the University Moorhead Normal School : 1 year rural teaching certificates (some H.S. prep) Moorhead State Teachers College : addition of 4 year degrees along with 2 year certificates Moorhead State College : Non-education majors; first graduate degrees (1955) Moorhead State University : a few additional graduate programs Minnesota State University Moorhead……
What is next….? Proposals to provide free/low cost tuition at the community college level How will the identity of the state university evolve?
A shift in focus? Current Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Future? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate
The External Audience Continuing needs in Education and the related fields of Counseling, SLP, School Psychology Health Care Business Other human services?
My assumption is…. People who want to take graduate courses want to: prepare for a new/different profession improve their skills for their present profession
Employers & the Community Respond to their needs Provide leadership in promoting cutting edge best practices The need/demand is there—we need to respond in an intentional and sustainable manner.
Our ultimate audiences are the students, patients or clients that our graduates will serve. We owe it to them to prepare our graduates to serve them as effectively as possible. Thus, quality is imperative.
Transforming our students so they may transform the world (or at least their corner of the world)