Highlights of School Health Care Services April 26, 2010 Ann Powers, MS, RN, CPNP School Nurse Leader
Highlights of School Health Care Services April 26, 2010 Ann Powers, MS, RN, CPNP School Nurse Leader
At a Glance As of November 2009 95% of the Student Emergency Health Cards were returned to the nurse’s office – Slight increase over 94% returned November 2008 19% of students are enrolled in Mass Health –Consistent with November 2008 22% have no recorded dental insurance/provider –Increase of 8% from November 2008 –Still only one Mass Health Dental Provider in Plymouth 41% of student population considered to have limited or no access to routine/preventative oral health care –Represents a 8% increase from November 2008 599 elementary students are participating in the Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program –Decrease of 35 students from 2008 6,319 students have signed permission slips for KI administration
At a Glance Growth Screening Trends 36% of Plymouth students screened in grades 1, 4, 7 and 10 are at risk for being overweight or obese –Consistent with data for 34% of students in the same grades in other ESHS reporting districts in the state are at risk –Represents a 6% increase from 28% for other districts for –This brings Plymouth closer to the rest of the schools in other reporting districts Spring ,068 BMI letters were mailed home on students with a BMI 85 th percentile
Plymouth Public Schools Health Care Services Total Reported Special Health Care Needs (Source: Student Health Cards, M.D. documentation)
Plymouth Public Schools Health Care Services Selected Special Health Care Needs (Source: Student Health Cards, M.D. documentation) *Other Behaviors includes ASD population
School Year Activities Report Essential School Health Services Program 1.Month in which these health encounters occurred: School Year Person completing report (include Name and Position): 3. Health Services Activity Number of student and staff health encounters this month. (Do not count health screenings or casual conversations) Office Visit Types Injury/ First Aid Illness Assessment 1 Mental/Behavioral Health Support 2 Individual Health Ed. Health Ed. Other Encounters Scheduled Medications Scheduled Procedures TotalEncounters STUDENTENCOUNTERS16,70729,0141, ,28611,4585,07475,180 STAFFENCOUNTERS ,179 Note: It is assumed that every encounter will include nursing assessment and health education. When the primary issue is health education and does not include illness or injury, the individual health education category should be used. 1 An illness encounter may include illness assessment, acute illness, chronic health condition, etc. It excludes scheduled medication administrations (e.g. daily med administration for ADHD) and scheduled procedures (ostomy care, scheduled glucose testing). 2 Mental/Behavioral Health Support includes any encounter requiring active listening, anticipatory guidance, stress management, altered mental health status or behavior modification/program support. The primary reason for the encounter is related to a mental/behavioral health need.
Plymouth Public Schools Health Care Services Number of Students Returned to Class (Sept-Dec 2009) (Source: Healthmaster MA Monthly Report)
Plymouth Public Schools Health Care Services Significant Disposition of Students (Sept-Dec 2009) (Source: Healthmaster MA Monthly Report)
In Addition… Fall 2009 H1N1 Flu Season –H1N1 and Seasonal Influenza Clinics at Middle and High Schools, Grades 6-12 –1,628 students immunized 985 students for Seasonal Flu 985 students for Seasonal Flu 643 students for H1N1 Flu 643 students for H1N1 Flu Utilization of nursing students instrumental Utilization of nursing students instrumental Coordinated effort with the school health and administrative staff, MDPH, Board of Health, Jordan Hospital, and AMR staff Coordinated effort with the school health and administrative staff, MDPH, Board of Health, Jordan Hospital, and AMR staff
In Addition… Fall Municipal Medicaid continued to fund each of the school nurses to work 2 days prior to start of –Review new student health records, conduct student/parent health interviews, prepare for known SHCN, immunization compliance, etc. Ongoing review/revision of the medication administration policies and related nursing procedures –Revised Parent Consent For Medication Administration –Developed Medication Specific Consent Forms –Revised Student Health and School Bus Emergency Information Cards >200 staff trained by the nurses in Heartsaver AED (custodians, CRT, etc.) Ongoing clinical education of student nurses: Cape Cod Community, Laboure, and Simmons College
School Health Advisory Committee
This Year At The SHAC Transition Year with Committee membership and leadership Reviewed and updated the Plymouth Area Resource Guide located on our school health website Reviewed and supported MA legislation An Act Relative to School Nutrition passed by the MA State Senate and House of Representatives in March, 2010, now awaiting the governor’s signature to pass into law Developing goals for school year –Review our district programs in relation to requirements in the School Nutrition Act –Continue focus on student and staff wellness in relation to nutrition and physical activity Implement BlueCross BlueShield programWalking Works for staff in the fall, 2010 Implement BlueCross BlueShield programWalking Works for staff in the fall, 2010 Continue efforts to improve nutrition and physical activity for students and staff
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