USH 16:3 Poverty Amidst Prosperity 1 in 5 Americans (30 million) below poverty line – Figure that reflects minimum income required to support a family.


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Presentation transcript:

USH 16:3 Poverty Amidst Prosperity 1 in 5 Americans (30 million) below poverty line – Figure that reflects minimum income required to support a family Most Americans assumed prosperity was everywhere Those left out: – Single mothers – Elderly – Minorities – Rural residents – Inner city residents

16:3 Decline of the Inner City Middle Class moves to suburbs – Take taxable income with them – Cities have much less money Poor and less-educated stay in cities Government attempts to help – “urban renewal” Tear down old buildings, build new high-rises Many became violent and over-crowded Program ultimately failed

16:3 African-Americans Most stayed in cities Income was usually ½ of what Whites earned “A Raisin in the Sun” – Broadway play Lorraine Hansberry – Struggles against racism and poverty

16:3 Native Americans Less than one percent of American population Poorest ethnic group in the country Termination Policy – Native Americans now under same laws and jurisdiction as all other Americans – Encouraged a blending in to society

16:3 Appalachia Mountainous region from NY to Georgia Mechanization of coal mining – Most lost jobs Few doctors Worse schools than inner city slums

16:3 Juvenile Delinquency Anti-social or criminal behavior of young people : 45% rise in juvenile crime rates Some explanations – T.V. and movies – Rising divorce rate – Kids rebelling against conformity of parents – Parents not disciplining kids