Prof. Maj. Dr S Bakhtiar Choudhary MD Sports Medicine (Switzerland), D.Litt. PhD. Consultant Sports medicine, Ergonomics and Work place management Tel: Occupational Health Fitness Ergonomics & Workplace management
Officer’s Health is Expensive
1.90% Indoors 2.10% Outdoors Your Job
Current Health Management Current Health Practices Out Patient Treatment Hospital Admissions Health Checks Areas Neglected Insufficient Health education (Direction) Poor Ergonomics awareness Poor Nutritional awareness Fitness & Preventive attitude
1.To increase work performance 2.To decrease the long term detrimental health effects. 3. Work Station Design( Situation) Ergonomics Issues Science > Man - Machine partnership for purposeful activities to do work more effectively
Ergonomics and Problems Repetitions Grip Reaching equipment Body Posture Loading and Lifting
Ergonomics and Posture
Abuse Posture
EMG radiation Defective Posture Accidents Tumors in the brain Headaches Sleeplessness Hypertension Anxiety Bigger the phone-more the radiation
Relaxing (axing the neck) : TV---viewing
Standing Jobs: Work Stations levels: Effect on Body
Sitting Ducks Excess Sitting Excess appetite Excess Calories Defective diet Inadequate exercise / activities Early Disease
Losses in One decade of Sitting Loss of Muscle: kg Loss of Bone Calcium: 720 g Breathe Less: 20-30% oxygen during sitting Breathing oxygen of 7 years in 10 years Increase in Body fat: kg Decrease in Plasma volume by 15% Decrease in ROM in major joints by 30 % Decrease in immunity by 20-30% Premature aging 3 years every decade
POOR SITTING Neck strain Shoulder strain Back Strain Hand strain
Tall-poor sitting No back support FHP
Poor Sitting No foot rest No back support FHP
High Angle of tendon Biomechanics
Static Loading Dynamic loading Force Browne et al. Med J Aust 1984; March 17:
EMGID0390 CONDITIONS ICH200µV/DIV HIGH CUT3KHz LOW CUT20Hz HUM FILTERON SWEEP TIME50mS/DIV Amp 3.50mV Trapezius : Awkward posture (Mouse)
EMGID0390 CONDITIONS ICH200µV/DIV HIGH CUT3KHz LOW CUT20Hz HUM FILTERON SWEEP TIME50mS/DIV Amp870 V Trapezius :Corrected posture (Mouse) Choudhary S. Bakhtiar at al. Ind Journal Occu Env Med 2002; 6(1) 10-11
Simple eye strain, dry eye syndrome Gaze angle problems Illumination Asthenopia; resulting from ocular muscles Visual fatigue from neck posture. Accommodation disturbances With myopia increased risk of glaucoma. Masayuki et al. Journal of epidem and com health 2004; 58: Work Related Eye Problems
Every body has beautiful Spine
Immediate Effects of Office Chair Sitting on the Lumbar Spine Normal Optimum curvature Tall Loss of curvature Short Exaggerated curvature
Wrong Lifting technique
SSS: Straight Spine Syndrome Choudhary S. Bakhtiar, Suneetha S. Deb PS: Forward head posture is the cause of Straight Spine Syndrome in many professionals, Ind J Ocu Env Med 2000 Sept; Vol 4,(3);
26 years 29 years Urban Neck Syndrome Reversible functional disorder
Lift With the Legs -- NOT THE BACK.
Fitness Promotion
Types of exercise 1. Mobility exercises 2. Walking / Cycling 3. Breathing exercises Based on your capacity Follow the right advice Stop when problem Start low intensity
Exercise Prescription (FITT principle) Frequency: 5 times a week Intensity: Start slowly increase Type: Choose suitable Time: Any Time Duration: 5-90 min min Strength exercises : thrice a week Doing is Must than Planning
Desk bond stretches
Personal Level Correct Ergonomics Correct Posture Detection of early Hypertension Control of Obesity Improving fitness Detection of early RSI Stress Coping skills RSI prevention Exercise Programmes Personal protection equipment
1.Exercise: HDL 2.Gravity: Calcium 3.Sunlight : Vit D 4.Posture: MSD Four Natural protections
It’s never Too late Earlier the Better Exercise is a habit