Powerpoint by Alex and Roxy Cativiela The Tropical Savanna Powerpoint by Alex and Roxy Cativiela
What is it, and where’s it found? Grassland, shrubs, trees Africa – Acacia Australia – Eucalyptus
Weather, Climate, Soil Warm year round (68˚–86˚ F) Long dry winter (4 in) Very wet summer (15 – 25 in) Soil is extremely porous Can catch fire when very dry
Adaptations Small burrowing animals – dormant – drought. Grass – grows quickly – adequate water. Fire stimulates growth. Replenishes nutrients in soil. Turns brown to limit water loss. Grass – too sharp or bitter – avoid competition. Baobob – leafless in dry season, stores water in trunk.
Adaptations Continued Acacia – long tap roots, fire resistant. Ants live in Acacia thorns. Used as defense when consumers. Large ears on some animals to help cool body. Poisonous alkaloid emitted into leaves and air when giraffes try to consume.
Balance and Dependency (Biodiversity) Over 40 species of hoofed mammals Over 16 species of browsers Height, time of day or year, location Grass – Herbivores Herds of mammals – Carnivores Overgrazing
Food Chain Producers - trees, shrubs, grass. Primary Consumers –zebras, gazelles, giraffes, elephants. Secondary Consumers –cheetahs, lions, hyenas, crocodiles, wild dogs, leopards. Scavengers –termites, vultures, hyenas. Decomposers (Detrivores) – mushrooms, insects, microorganisms.
Cool Facts Christ’s Crown of Thorns – Acacia Acacia is used as flavoring. Treats sore throat, helps the digestive tract. The Baobob tree – Bottom’s up. Trunk diameter - 12 meters. Can live thousands of years. Shelter. The candelabra tree - poisonous. White sap from the inner tree can cause blister on skin, blinds eyes, breathing the fumes burns. Sticky poisonous latex and sharp spines prevents feeding.
More Facts Eucalyptus in medicines to treat: infections, colds, flu, sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, aching, stiffness, neuralgia, skin infections. The River Bushwillow (Hiccup Nut) seed causes violent hiccups. Umbrella Thorn Acacia can survive in 122° F temperatures during the day, and freezing temperatures at nights. Over 700 Acacia species in Africa. Elephants can’t jump. Wanted for tusks. Zebra’s are black with white stripes.
Tourism Information Savannah Overland Expeditions 10 week trip (72 days) 10 countries (Kenya, Uganda, Congo/Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa) http://www.savannahoverland.com/ Safety: Disease, Animals Many fun activities!
Quiz on what you’ve learned Where is the largest Savanna located? What is the niche of the hyena? What is the dominant tree of the Australian Savanna? Name one adaptation. What is another name for the River Bushwillow?
Credits http://www.bioinquiry.vt.edu/bioinquiry/cheetah/cheetahpaid/cheetahhtmls/foodweb.gif http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/savannahP.html http://blueplanetbiomes.org/savanna.htm