Roles of GEF National Focal Points & Experiences in GEF Coordination and Integration Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in the Pacific SIDS Auckland, New Zealand, September 2008
Overview I.GEF Focal Points and their key roles II.Experiences with national coordination mechanisms III.Experiences in integration of GEF into national development policies and plans
Sources for this Presentation Presentations by GEF Focal Points on country experiences in GEF Coordination and Integration during 8 Sub-Regional Workshops (2007) Case studies documented for CSP by national GEF Focal Points on GEF coordination (2007) GEF National Dialogue Initiative and CSP study “GEF National Coordination - Lessons Learned” (2005) Country presentations at Third GEF Assembly National Dialogue side-event on GEF coordination (2006)
Key Roles of GEF Focal Points National coordination: Sectoral coordination (inter-ministerial and inter-agency), including with convention focal points Outreach to other national stakeholders (civil society organizations, academic/scientific institutions, private sector) Liaison with GEF Agencies Linkages with other international cooperation agencies Regional coordination: Participation in GEF constituency meetings and activities (CSP,other) Engagement with regional cooperation frameworks Involvement in regional projects and initiatives Global coordination: Liaison with GEF Secretariat Constituency representation on GEF Council (on a rotating basis)
FPs help inform, mobilize and engage wide range of stakeholders FPs facilitate coordination with sectoral agencies on integrating global environment into development plans FPs help influence policy by upscaling lessons From policy makers to local groups Across range of sector activities / environmental issues
II.Experiences with National GEF Coordination Mechanisms Support Focal Points’ coordination roles Different models and compositions National GEF Committee most common May include: Government, civil society, private sector, GEF Agencies, other donors Provide sectoral expertise Provide institutional continuity given FP changes
Common Challenges & Benefits of coordination mechanisms Challenges: Focal Point personnel changes hamper continuity Resource constraints Broad stakeholder participation proving difficult to achieve GEF procedures frustrate national stakeholders Benefits: Facilitates endorsement of GEF project concepts by Focal Points Increases awareness and appreciation of GEF and its mandates and activities Encourages greater local, sectoral, and national involvement in GEF programs and projects Promotes participation in monitoring of GEF projects
Elements of successful national GEF coordination mechanisms Leadership by committed, informed, dynamic individuals Broad participation by national stakeholders, including civil society Effective links with convention focal points and activities Enable integration of GEF in national priorities & strategies Informed about global environmental issues and up-to-date on GEF policies and procedures Clearly defined roles for Agencies (whether as regular members, observers, or resources persons) Monitoring role of national GEF projects and portfolio and application of lessons learned Capable of growth and evolution
III. Experiences in Integration of GEF in national development policies & plans Benefits of integrating GEF: Enhances relevance of global environment issues within broader national development policies and plans at all levels Reveals commonalities and synergies between national GEF portfolios and related government and donor activities Improves flow of information among stakeholders and the quality of decisions made on environment & development issues Encourages and sustains involvement and commitment of national stakeholders on environmental issues
Elements of success in integration of GEF Institutional leadership can enable inter-sectoral and regional coordination Overall strategies and visions can create an enabling environment for addressing environmental challenges in development planning Project objectives when clearly aligned with national development objectives can enable better linkages and integration Project results can contribute towards implementation of national policies, plans and programmes Integration of environmental management involves addressing aspects of policy change, institutional capacity, and individual competencies Integration across sector and regional levels involves coordinated planning and development of harmonized and shared goals among a range of actors Commitment can be increased by an understanding of the interdependence of environment and economic and social development
Examples of Integration of GEF (1) China: Effective linkages maintained between GEF projects and national development objectives Projects developed with clear objectives aligned with development and implementation of national programmes and actions Projects have promoted implementation of a number of national key plans and programmes Institutional placement of GEF activities under the Ministry of Finance has led to strong inter-sectoral coordination, as well as provincial-level coordination
Examples of Integration of GEF (2) Namibia: GEF programme is closely linked to Namibia’s Vision 2030, which is based on the country’s 5-year National Development Plans (NDPs) Recognition that attainment of the MDGs and Vision 2030 requires a paradigm shift to incorporate environment Recognition that environmental management needs to be integrated into all aspects of the policy environment, institutional setting and individual competencies
Examples of Integration of GEF (3) Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Countries of the region, in partnership with ADB, focused on integrating environmental sustainability considerations into development of the Greater Mekong sub-region. A landscape management approach applied where environmental concerns are embedded into development planning at the regional and sectoral levels (North-South Economic Corridor, tourism, transport, energy sectors). Emphasis on the fundamental premise that “if we do not take care of our natural resources and biodiversity, the region cannot realize its economic potential”.
For more Information: Visit the CSP Knowledge Facility: National Coordination page: Mainstreaming Environment page: Links to country presentations developed by Focal Points on 2007 Sub-Regional Workshop pages: