Organ Donation Past, Present and Future Donor Identification and Referral Rachel Stoddard-Murden Dr Alex Manara 9 th July SOUTH WEST
Session Objectives 2 Understand difficulties with donor identification and referral Recognise benefits of improving elements of the process – Increased identification and referral – Timely referral – Responsiveness to referral Consider which of the proposed methods of identification and referral may work in your hospital Organ Donation Past, Present and Future
Regional Data 3 Rachel Stoddard-Murden SOUTH WEST
National rate Referral rate (%) Team EasternLondon Midlands North West Northern Ireland Scotland South Central South East South Wales South West Yorkshire 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, data as at 4 April th Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 4 South West DBD referral rate SOUTH WEST
1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, data as at 4 April 2013 Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 5 South West DBD referral rate SOUTH WEST
National rate Referral rate (%) Team EasternLondon Midlands North West Northern Ireland Scotland South Central South East South Wales South West Yorkshire 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, data as at 4 April 2013 Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 6 6 th South West DCD referral rate SOUTH WEST
Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 7 South West DCD referral rate 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, data as at 4 April 2013 SOUTH WEST
Organ Donation Past, Present and Future Identification and Referral 8 Dr Alex Manara South West Regional CLOD
Timely Identification and Referral of Potential Organ Donors Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 9
UK rates of referral Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 91% 52% 10
Overall timings Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 11
Aims of Strategy 100% Identification of potential Donors 100% Referral of Potential Donors 100% Timely Referral Implement NICE Guidance The consideration of donation should be core ICU / ED and part of all end of life care plans. Timely referral promotes this possibility Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 12
NICE Guideline 135 Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 13
British Medical Association 2012 The research data showed that the use of clinical triggers and a requirement to refer according to standard criteria led to an increase in both referrals and donors. It is hoped that implementation of the NICE guideline will result in early and consistent donor referral. Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 14
General Medical Council 2010 “If a patient is close to death and their views cannot be determined, you should be prepared to explore with those close to them whether they had expressed any views about organ or tissue donation, if donation is likely to be a possibility.” “You should follow any national procedures for identifying potential organ donors and, in appropriate cases, for notifying the local transplant coordinator.” Decisions to limit or withdraw treatments in potential DCD donors MUST be in compliance with national End of Life Care policy. Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 15
UK Donation Ethics Committee “There is no ethical dilemma if the treating clinician wishes to make contact with the SN-OD at an early stage, while the patient is seriously ill and death is likely, but before a formal decision has been made to withdraw life-sustaining treatment.” [“Benefits] include establishing whether there are contra-indications for organ donation…… Other practical and organisational factors might be relevant – if the SN-OD is based at a distant location then early contact can help to minimise distressing delays for the family.” Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 16
Objectives, benefits and outcomes All potential donors are identified and referred All donors are referred in a timely fashion SN-ODs are deployed in a way that improves responsiveness All patients are given the option of donation Access to clinical advice Prompt donor optimisation Resolution of potential legal obstacles Early assessment of marginal donors Early tissue typing / screening Planning the family approach Reduction in delays for families and units Increased donor numbers Improved consent / authorisation rates Increase in donor organs Better experience for families and staff Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 17
NHSBT Strategy Implementation not publication Key area for collaboration between hospitals and donor care teams Very clear emphasis on benefits – How not who Suite of options Clarity over implementation Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 18
Strategy proposals Every hospital should have a written policy for the identification and timely referral of all potential donors Every donating area within a given hospital adopts a consistent approach As far as possible ‘decouple’ early referral from individual clinician Donation Committees and SN-OD teams should collaborate to develop and implement a policy that ensures that all potential donors are identified and referred in a timely fashion. Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 19
1. Daily visit by SN-OD Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 20
2. Early daily phone call Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 21
3. Daily ICU team safety brief Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 22
Organ Donation Past, Present and Future North Bristol Trust ICU Safety Brief 23
4. Standard Operating Procedure Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 24
Midlands Standard Operating Procedure 25 Organ Donation Past, Present and Future
5. Nurse led referrals Organ Donation Past, Present and Future 26
Summary 27 Donation should be a element of end of life care Make identification and referral routine business of the unit. This decouples early referral from the individual clinician caring for the patient Implement or develop a solutions /policy for your individual hospitals adopt to timely referral Ensure consistency within a given hospital Organ Donation Past, Present and Future
28 Organ Donation Past, Present and Future
What are the barriers to implementing the NICE guidelines in your unit: any solutions? 29 Whichever is the earlier, either: Use trigger factors in patients with a catastrophic brain injury The absence of one or more cranial nerve reflexes AND a GCS of 4 or less that is not explained by sedation And / or a decision is made to perform brainstem death tests. The intention to withdraw life-sustaining treatment in patients with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition which will, or is expected to, result in circulatory death. Organ Donation Past, Present and Future