Session Introduction [Name][Affiliation] Questions & Answers [Name][Affiliation]
Last Name / First Name Company
Welcome Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Break Note: You can convert these bullet titles into hyperlinks to the presenters' PowerPoints by highlighting the paper no. and doing an. (delete this text box from your final presentation) Note: Link “Break” to the Sponsor slide presentation sent to you by the Program Co-Chair
Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Paper Title (Paper #) Speaker, Company Closing Remarks
Please complete the session surveys Provide contact information for participating on EPC subcommittee if interested!
Current proceedings will be posted a few weeks after the conference Previous conference proceedings are available now Many of your companies already subscribe and others are welcome to join The above link is also available through the EPC Website
Thank you for a successful conference! Special thanks to: Attendees Authors Session Chairs / Co-Chairs Subcommittee Chairs and Members Members of the Ethylene Producers’ Committee
Ethylene Producers’ Committee Jake BerretWilliams Olefins Toby DarbonneWestlake Petrochemicals Jeff EdwardsChevron Phillips David GentNova Chemicals Sanjeev KapurApex Petroconsultants Michael KennedyLyondellBasell Aivars KruminsCB&I, Inc. Ravi LalTechnip Stone & Webster Mike MoranExxonMobil Chemical David MullenixSasol North America Robert NussbaumEastman Chemical Tom PickettTechnip Stone & Webster Walter PostulaShell Global Solutions Rick PrickettChevron Phillips Richard RolkeDow Chemical Jonathan SterneIneos Michael TallmanKBR Jack TindelDuPont Paul Van HelmondLinde Engineering Sasha VragolicFlint Hills Resources Greg YeoExxonMobil Chemical Tim ZygulaBASF FINA
Mike Tallman – EPC Chairman Paul Van Helmond – EPC Vice Chairman Walter Postula – Program Chair Mike Moran – Program Vice Chair Mike Kennedy - Treasurer
Paul Van Helmond – EPC Chairman Walter Postula – EPC Vice Chairman Mike Moran – Program Chair Tim Zygula – Program Vice Chair Tom Pickett - Treasurer
Becoming a member of a sub-committee Sub-committee membership is open to anyone who wants to contribute Providing ideas to improve the conference Suggesting topics / volunteering to present a paper