Learning by Doing (LBD) based Course Content Development (in Areas of CS and ECE) International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India 1
Ancient Wisdom 2
Ancient Wisdom (contd.) “Learning by sensing” Eg: Learning by listening to a talk, learning by viewing a video, etc., “Learning by doing” Eg: Learning by doing tasks, learning by thinking, research, etc., 3
Ancient Wisdom (contd.) “Learning by relating” Eg: Learning by discussions, learning by critiquing, learning by sympathizing, etc., “Learning by living” Eg: Learning by experiencing, etc., 4
Our Focus In reality, Learning looks to be a slow and unidirectional process Our proposal is – in virtual reality, Learning can be a time compressed and multi- directional process Our current focus is on Learning by Doing methodology 5
Agenda Methodology Previous Experience Objective Time bound outcomes and deliverables Budget Resources 6
The opportunity A lecture may not sustain full interest of a student The same holds true for a recorded lecture This is perhaps because not all students are involved How do we make the student get involved? 7
A solution Students need to get involved Problem centric approach Carefully chosen problems Covering all aspects Lectures are not at the center But are provided as resources 8
Problem Centered Approach Develop a realistic story Have the students work on “tasks” Work as teams to produce work products Personalized lectures 9
Curriculum Development Have each skill be required in at least one task Task matrix: Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4... Skill 1 X Skill 2 X Skill 3 X Skill 4 XX...
Curriculum Development For each task, produce Task description List and description of deliverables Resources – video lectures, PPTs, Just in Time (JIT) lectures Program website 11
Previous Experience 12
Tested Delivery Modes Full-time, on-campus (MSIT, RGUKT) Successful Part-time, on-campus (TTP) Successful Full-time, remote (PGDIT) Workable 13
Master of Science in IT (MSIT) Started in 2001 Full time program, on campus Post Graduate course (2 years) 770 students trained so far Specializations offered Language technologies Software engineering E-commerce Computer Networks 14
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) Started in 2008 Full time program, on campus Integrated course (plus 2 and engineering) Intake of 6000 students each year Located in three campuses After 6 years, the strength of RGUKT will be 36,000 Entire program is based on LBD methodology 15
Teacher Training Program (TTP) Started in 2008 Department of IT (DIT) funded project Part time program, on campus Lecturers, Professors from engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh are trained on learning by doing methodology In three years, students will be trained each year in LBD methodology 16
Post Graduate Diploma in IT (PGDIT) Started in 2006 Full time program, remote Diploma course after degree 700 students trained so far Students from rural background 17
Role of IIIT-H Develop Content Train the students Monitor the program 18
Our Objective 19
Objective Use the learning by doing methodology to develop content for core courses in CS and ECE validate it by reaching out to colleges enhance it by conducting workshops for expert feedback 20
Proposal Courses proposed to be developed Computation Theory Artificial Intelligence Principles of Programming Numerical Techniques and Optimization Principles of Information Security Distributed Systems Database Systems Computer and Communication Networks Compilers Software Engineering Digital Logic and Processors Data Structures Computer System Organization Algorithms Operating Systems Graphics Formal Methods Basic Electronic Circuits Signals and Systems Communication Theory 21
Project estimate Based on previous experience, for a 4 week course to be developed (PG level) 3500 man hours of effort was required for content development Taking this into consideration for a semester course (14-16 weeks) around man hours of effort will be required for content development 22
Time bound goals and deliverables Phase I No later than December 2010 Develop LBD based course material for 10 courses Course material typically includes, link to our wiki 23
Phase II January 2011 – June 2012 Develop LBD based course material for 10 more courses Reach out to colleges Time bound goals and deliverables 24
Manpower For one course resources needed Subject matter experts (2 members) Animation team (2 members) Content developer (3 members) Review team (2 members can be internal/external) 25
Budget Phase I Per man hour cost incurred is Rs. 150 For man hours (estimate for a semester course) cost incurred is Rs. 24,00,000 For 10 courses (proposed to be developed in phase I) cost incurred is Rs. 2,40,00,000 Using shared resources across courses, the development cost can be reduced by 30% 26
Budget Phase I (Contd.) ItemAmount (in lakhs) Salary/Manpower190 Equipment (Computers, Servers, Books, Networking equipment, testing) 30 Contingency15 Travel5 Miscellaneous (organizing workshops,…)10 Total250 27
Resources IIIT-H faculty Center for Education Technology and Learning Sciences (CETLS), IIIT-H Invited subject experts 28
Contact Dr. Kannan Srinathan IIIT-Hyderabad Ms. Sandhya Kode CETLS, IIIT-Hyderabad 29
This is just the beginning… 30